Chapter 16- Bakugo

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As we pulled up to my house I parked the car and quickly got out and opened Aunties door then to my house to quickly unlock it

"the hell you doing home"

I looked up at her to see her half way up the steps "mom" she knew right away that something was wrong because I only call her mom when something is wrong "what's wrong sweetie" she ran back down the stairs to me

"not me auntie"

She looked behind to see racoon eyes and icy-hot helping her out of the car "HONEY GET DOWN HERE" she passed me and ran out of the house to her as my dad came running down the stairs with his hair all messed up and his glasses crooked "what's wrong son" I looked at him "auntie finally cracked" he gave me a small nod before running into the kitchen

"I'll get started"

I quickly moved out of the way as mom and raccoon eyes came in helping auntie into the house with the others following behind them "we got it from here kids you guys can go back" I nodded as racoon eyes let my mom take over and helping her to the couch

"Come on guys"

She looked back at Inko and my mom before slowly walking to me "what happened" I rubbed the back of my neck as I tried to think of something to say

"they need to know Kat-Bakugo"

I looked at icy-hot with my eye twitching -fucking half and half bastered- "did he almost-" I looked at Sero "Shut up and get in the car" he shrugged and headed back to the car with the others slowly falling him


I looked up at dad as he held as tray with some snacks and tea "I know you can bring him home I believe in you" I smiled and gave him a small nod before closing the door "bring who back" I jumped and nearly screamed as I looked over my shoulder to see Jiro standing there with her hands on hips while her foot started to tap against the ground

"Katsuki Bakugou you have some serious explaining to do"

I felt my hand shake a little as I stared her im the eyes "ye-yes ma'am" -why the hell am I scared of her- she turned and walked back to the car As I let out a sigh of relief

"Katsuki now"

My body stiffened as I watched her get in the car and my shoulder soon slumped down as I walked to the car and got in "ok ok I think it's time to bring you all in the loop" I started the car and drove off towards the base

"I am apart of a group that is trying to overthrow the hero commission"

"What for"

I glanced at Sero in the rearview mirror and glanced at Shoto in the passenger seat and sighed "fine but what I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this car" I pulled into a alley and turned the car off so I can turn and look at them

"the hero commission is taking omegas and training them to be weapons and the perfect housewife, both Kirishima and Jiro has seen it first hand"

"Their what"

Mina sat up as she stared at me intensely "All Might has done the same thing to his son" they frozen and stare at me "his name is Izuku and he's waiting for me to save him"

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