Chapter 8- Bakugo

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I stood there staring at my phone as I read the message that auntie had sent for the 5th time "hey Bakubro what you looking at so intensely" I jumped and quickly looked my phone and shoved it in my pocket

"nothing shitty hair let's get to training"

I grabbed my gym bag and headed to the gym without saying anything else -I feel bad for doing this to him but I can't drag him into something like this- I sighed and opened the doors to the indoor gym we have in the dorms

-he needs to believe that all the hero's are heroic and not just in it for the fame and money-

I dropped my bag on one of the benches and pulled my phone out and stared at the blank screen -dont worry Izu I'll see you soon- I gripped my phone tightly before dropping it in my bag and started to train.

~~time skip~~

By the time I was done training my hands were hurting and I was hot of breath "here you stupid hot head" I looked at icy-hot as he held out a bag with ice "what's got you training so hard" I clicked my tounge as I took the ice pack and sat down as I looked around to make sure that no one else is in the gym

"Auntie- I mean Izuku's mom sent me a text saying when the 2nd years have their sports festival the omegas at the hero commission will be able to go but it'll be tricking getting to see him but she's going to help me"

Icy-hot stood up and stretched "I'm just glad my dad didn't turn me in" I nodded as I put the ice pack in between my hand and hissed at it "I hear stories about what's it like there and I'm just saying that if that happened to me Dabi would bust me out in a heartbeat" I groaned

"I'm still surprised you 2 are mated considering you 2 are actually siblings"

He shrugged "it's not unheard of it's just not common" I nodded and tossed him the ice pack as I stood up and grabbed my bag "I'm going to work hard to get Izu back" he patted my back

"and when you do we bring down the hero society and show the world what they are really like"

I nodded and smiled as we walked out of the gym and went our own separate ways to our dorms but I got there I saw Kirishima standing at my door "the hell you want" he looked at me "hey Bakubro want to play some games" he held up the games

"Sure but I need to take a shower"

I unlocked my dorm door "let's yourself in and sit down on my bed but don't fucking touch anything" I dropped my bag down by the door and went to my closet and grabbed a pair of sweats and a black shirt

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