Chapter 6- Bakugo

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I plopped down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling -well Deku another birthday of yours has gone and passed and I'm closer to getting you back- I felt a small smile form but it quickly vanished when I herd someone knocking on my door

With a groan I sat up "who the hell is it" I didn't get an answer just another knock "fucking hell I'm coming" I growled as I got off of the bed and went to the door and unlocked it and swung it open but no one was there "what the fuck ever" I clicked my tounge and went to close the door but as I did I saw an envelope sitting there on the floor

"Ok then"

I picked up and went back into my room and swiftly made my way to bed but changed directions and went to my desk -I wonder what this is- I flipped the envelope over and some writing so I sat down and turned my desk lamp so I could see better

-the writing looks familiar-

"Well it has my name on it so I guess I can open up"

When I ripped it open a picture fell out "the hell is this" I picked it up and flipped it over and froze in my spot "I-Izu" I felt tears swelling up as I stared at the picture "you look even more beautiful then you did when we were kids" I let out a deep breath as I rubbed my thumb against the picture

"Just you wait"

I wiped the tears from my eyes and pinned it up on my board as I stood up -I'll become number for you then I'll bring down this corrupted system and rebuild a new one- I made a fist as I felt fire flow through me. I went to my closet and out an outfit to train in and quickly got dressed "I can't sit around and do nothing" I went over to the picture and kissed it before walking out of my room and going down to the gym.

~~time skip~~

I stood there in front of the punching bag sweating as I feriously punching it while growling and gritting my teeth with one thought one my mind which is having Deku back in my arms

~~3rd POV~~

"How long has he been at this"

Kirishima looked at Shoto and shrugged "he was doing this when I get here" looked at the watch on his wrist "which was 40 minutes ago"

Shoto held back his smile as I he watched Bakugo train harder then before and silently thanking Hawks for giving him that picture.

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