Chapter 2- Izuku

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The car ride home was silent till Momo broke the silence "Izuku" I didn't answer her back just stared out the window "Inko dear just leave him be" I heard dad tell mom to leave me which I'm thankful for.

Half way home I felt tears starting to pool in my eyes as I watched the tree go by "d-dad now that I'm an omega does that mean you have send me away like mom" when I looked at him I saw his grip tighten on the steering wheel as we pulled up to the stop light.

"Its my duty as the number one hero to provide an amazing omega like you"

I felt my mouth go dry -you only see me as profit just like they do- I sighed and looked back out the window as the tears started to flood out

"how could you, I told you how they treated me do you think he'll be treated any differently just because he's your son"

I toned out there arguing and just watched everything go by but as we passed the park that I'm supposed to meet Kaachan at -oh god how is Kaachan going to react- I felt even more tears come out.

As we pulled up to the house I waited no time in getting out and runing to the park and since we only live a few houses down from the park. I ran into the entrance and stood there trying to calm myself down and trying to stop my crying before Kaachan could see.

Though as soon as his name passed my lips his head shot straight up with a bright smile but it faded as quickly as it could appear.

I sniffled while rubbing my eyes "Deku have you been crying" my eyes started to water again "I-I'm" -why am I stuttering- I hiccups as I started to rub my eyes more "I-I'm being sent away".

It was silent for a few seconds after -is he mad- all my thoughts we're interrupted by Kaachan grabbing my arms and pulling my hands away from my face "I dont want to go Kaachan" I buried my face in chest and cried.

I could tell that he hesitate at first but he slowly gave in and wrapped his arms around me "do you know why your being sent away" I started sniffling again but I looked up at him.

"Because I'm an omega and my dad is All Might"

"But your parents love you"

I wanted to scream at him that they didn't but all I did was shake my head as I got my hands from his grasp to wipe the tears away but he beat me to it.

He wipped my tears away but as he was doing so I looked at him with sad filled eyes

"papa said that since he-he's the number one hero and that I'm an omega he has to send me to the hero's commission"

He grabbed both my cheeks and pulled my face to him and kissed me


I was woken up from my blissful dream to Keigo and Denki shaking me awake "come on Izuku we're going to be late" I quickly got out of bed and went to my closet (more like a small wardrobe) and grabbed a kimono from it and turned to him

"you don't have to ask of course I'll help you"

I smiled and quickly got undressed.

"Why did you ask me for help"

I glanced at Denki with a small smile "because you mess up everytime" he looked confused till I motioned for him to come over to me.

Which he did with no problem and I made him turn around as I refused everything that was messed up "don't need my best friend for getting in trouble" I could tell he had a small sad smile on his face.

After we were done we made out way out of the room "of you 2 behave I have to go to my own training" me and Denki waved at him till we couldn't see him anymore.

"Let's go eat"

I turned to Denki and gave him a small nod "let's do that" we laced our together as we made our way the cafeteria "who do you think will get in trouble to day" I shrugged my shoulders "don't know".

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