Chapter 14- Izuku

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By then end of the whole tthing Kaachan had came in first place and was smiling -oh Kaachan you did better this year- I was keeping myself from smiling as I sat there watching the whole award ceremony "come now there's something we must do" I looked at her as she stood up 

-of course we have to go-

I sighed as I stood up and followed here with the others following behind me "make yourselves presentable" I looked at the others and shrugged before straightening out my dress while the other did the same 

Once we were done we followed her till we came to a stop in front of a set of double doors "remember seen not heard" -I swear to All Might I hate that rule- she then opened the door and it looked like a meeting type of room 

"you all take a seat and wait"

With a small nod we all took a seat and waited till we told what to do next -I want to see Kaachan again, I want to be out of this hell hole of a school and be free- I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that someone else had entered the room till Denki kicked my foot and brought me back

"Hello again Aizawa"

I looked up to see underground hero Aizawa Shouta standing there with his hands in his pockets and a tired look and his face "so these are the next omegas" he looked at us and I straightened up before his eyes landed on me and he made confused look 

"Is he-"

Before he could even finish what he was going to say the door opened and I saw Kaach standing there angrily with his hands in his pockets with 4 other people standing behind him 

"We're here like you asked teach"

They all walked in and the door closed behind them and we were motioned to stand up 

"hello young alpha's as the top 5 of your class I wanted to introduce I'm the head leader of the hero commission and I wanted to introduce you all to the 5 most well behaved omega's in our all omega school"

Everything she said was so much full of shit and not true that I felt so angry at her for lying but I held my composer and moved forward "my name is Izuku Midorya it's nice to meet you all" I bowed and stepped back and watched as the others did the same 

-Kaachan is right in front of me and all I want to do is throw myself into his arms and cry-

"As I said before these are the 5 most well behaved students and in our school they are to be given to the top 5 hero's of your generation"

She gave them a fake smile while Aizawa was staring at me but continued to talk to her "What are you doing, this isn't what you do" I was confused but I kept my questions to myself "whatever do you mean" she gave him a fake ass giggle 

"What I mean is you usually don't introduce them to keep other till the day if the picking" 

I watched as she continued to put that act on "I wanted to mix things up this year" this time she gave him a genuine smile but it quickly faded as soon as it appeared "plus it'll help inspire your students to work even harder" I looked back at Kaachan and saw him staring at me with love and anger

-I know he's not anger at me but at the whole situation-

"Come now let's leave"

I looked at her and watched as she walked to the door and we filed into a single file line again and walked past Kaachan and the others as we left

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