| chapter two. |

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SHIMIZU KIYOKO, a beautiful black-haired girl who served as the manager of the volleyball club walked over with a small smile plastered on her face. She held her notebook in one hand while carrying her outdoor shoes in the other. "Good morning," she greeted, still smiling.

"Mo-morning!!" Everyone who saw it immediately blushed and answered haltingly, while Tsukishima and Kageyama just nodded in greetings, unfazed.

The second year troublemaker duo clenched their heart in shock. "Is this what it's like in Heaven, Ryuu?!" shouted Nishinoya with red cheeks and sparkling eyes.

"You're right Noya-san!!!" The bald man ―even though he always denied it that he was indeed bald― was screaming with surprise and joy together. "Kiyoko-san, you look stunning today!!"

Kyoko turned to them. "Ah, thanks," then went to help Coach Ukai.

"Kiyoko-san answered you! How lucky you are, Ryuu!!" Noya exclaimed happily, looking at Tanaka, who appeared to be about to fly after receiving a double kill from Kiyoko.

"Okay, stop it. Go back to practice!!" exclaimed Daichi, successfully causing all members of the volleyball club to immediately move.

Sugawara chuckled then turned to the girl. "You look happy, Kiyoko."

"Am I?" she replied with a small smile but gave neither the answer nor the reason she was like that.

Practice went on as usual that day. Especially with their newfound determination to win the Spring High National Tournament elimination match.

Kiyoko is no exception, as she has prepared several sheets of paper for the recruitment of new managers. As a third-year manager, she is responsible for finding a new manager candidate to assist club members the following year.


Everyone in the gym came to a halt when they heard the door open. Sugawara returned his gaze to the people inside the gym, where all of the members were already present. And he was certain there would be no practice match today. So, who was that?

Then, someone walked in which made everyone instantly froze. The man was tall with a broad chest and muscular build, his dark gray hair shining in the hotter sunlight. His skin is fair with symmetrical facial proportions with a sharp chin and jaw. With wide gold and black heterochromia eyes with thin dark circles under his eyes and thick eyebrows. However, that is not the cause of their inability to move. But with that person's aura and those glowing sharp eyes. Coupled with a powerful pressure that causes them to stand still and unable to move, transfixed by the person who has just arrived.

Aside from his powerful aura, everyone could agree on one thing. That person is extremely handsome. Periodt. No objections.

Hinata took a deep breath and gulped. He was familiar with the individual. That person was the one he ran into the day before. He had no idea if that person had a grudge against him or if he had any dealings with the others. Most importantly, Hinata is now terrified.

Sugawara was the first of the others to break from the aura. His chest felt like flowers, and a rush of pleasure ran through his body. His smile widened as he walked ―more like strutted― over to the familiar face.

"Naoto-kun," he called softly before pouting, his hands on his hips. "How come you didn't tell me you were coming back?"

"I did," he simply replied, his cold, slightly heavy husky voice tickling their skin.

Wait, Naoto? He means, Yanagi Naoto? All the first years and Ukai Keishin widened their eyes when they just realized that someone named Yanagi Naoto was standing in front of them.

Suga, upon hearing this, turned to their manager. "Ah, no wonder you look happy, Shimizu," the boy ―still pouting― said as he approached Yanagi and embraced his muscular arms, pulling him towards the others.

Yanagi nodded respectfully to Takeda, who was still silent and then nodded to the third and second years. He gently removed Suga's hand from his arm and walked over to Ukai Keishin, where he bowed slightly. "I heard you're Coach Ukai's grandson. I'm Yanagi Naoto, third year."

"Ah... Yeah, I know," Coach Ukai bowed awkwardly, gulping at the tall, handsome muscular boy in front of him. How can a high school student be that... that...

Even Coach Ukai Keishin couldn't even avert his eyes from the royalty in front of him.

"Because I won't be playing as frequently as I used to, I'll help train them," he stated, his commanding voice enticing people to follow him.

"Ah, em... yeah. Thank you for the help."

Then his gaze fell on the four first-years who were still glued to the floor. His gaze moved from the tall one with glasses, freckles with antennae, the short man with tangerine-like hair, and finally the blueberry-eyed man, observing their postures and body proportions.

"Welcome to Karasuno's Boys Volleyball Club," He said briefly before walking out the gym door.

Everyone took three seconds to brace themselves and breathe a sigh of relief. They were unable to move due to his aura and overpowering pressure.

"What a powerful aura," Kageyama muttered, his gaze still fixed on the gym door as a small smirk appeared on his face not long after. "Playing with a strong player... is really cool."

"Woah!!! I feel like I'm about to pee!!" Hinata yelled, his legs trembling.

"Ew, keep your distance from me," Tsukishima scrunched his face in disgust, who was immediately given a piercing glare from Hinata.

"My heart feels like it's going to burst," Yamaguchi said, still attempting to calm his racing heart.

Asahi was on the verge of tears, a lot of sweat had already come out. And his legs trembled. "Yanagi is really scary."

Suga slapped his back. "You are so weak."

Daichi turned to face Kiyoko with a slight smile. "When did he tell you, Shimizu?"

"This morning," she answered simply.

"Ah, that means he just arrived. It's only natural that he left right away," he concluded, happily nodding.

"Then Yanagi-senpai will comeback, right? We will be playing with Yanagi-senpai, right?!!" Tanaka exclaimed, followed by a vigorous nod from Nishinoya.

The third years exchanged glances. "It seems like it."

"Yosha!!!" Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Hinata cheered.

"Kageyama, don't just stand there! Give me a toss!! Give me a toss!!"

"Shut up, boke!"

Daichi observed the club members as they resumed their training. Of course, seeing Yanagi return made him happy and relieved. But there was one big guilt that lingered in his heart. The feeling was heavy, and he wasn't sure if it would pass.

Suga, Asahi, and Kiyoko exchanged glances. They could tell what Daichi was thinking by his gaze. It would be a lie if they didn't feel the same way. The guilt from not being able to do what Yanagi expected lingers in their heart.

Coach Ukai, on the other hand, was deep in thought. For the time being, Yanagi is the tallest and appears to be a few inches taller than Tsukishima. His muscular body, as well as his aura... he didn't appear to be an ordinary player. It's no surprise that his grandfather always praising him highly.

Ah, he can't wait...

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