| chapter forty five. |

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THE ATMOSPHERE FELT EVEN MORE tense and painful when they heard Hinata's desperate scream while tightly gripping the sleeve of Coach Ukai's jacket. Some of them lowered their heads, not daring to look at Hinata and unsure what actions or words they needed to do for him.

After steeling himself, Takeda-sensei finally walked over to Hinata in Ukai's place. Gently sat the teenager down and kneeled in front of him. "It's the same as what happened with Sawamura. You need to get checked to be sure you are okay. Okay, Hinata?" his breath hitched when he saw the frustrated and angry expression Hinata gave him. And Takeda frowned, determined not to be frightened by his gaze. "I know it's not what you want to hear, but you need to hear this. Right now, I can't let you play in this match any longer."

He gripped Hinata's palms gently and then continued. "You get twice as much joy out of being able to play in a match than most people. Because you didn't get to play in middle school. And I'm sure that makes it all the more frustrating. That's why... Remember this feeling. There will surely be times in your life when you will feel this way again. There will come a time when there won't be anything you can do. Whenever that happens, pay attention and etch it into your mind."

"You said you were going to win the gold medal someday, and not just one. And now, you know that there are walls that you can't just overcome with reckless effort. When that time comes, what you need is knowledge logic, and thought," he continued. "Hinata, this moment, right now,  this is also volleyball. Think about how to win. Your body will surely grow, but in a sport where you compete across a tall net, in the volleyball world where 190cm is considered small, you will surely always be little."

"You need to understand that you will get fewer chances than others. And you need to grasp those chances while making sure that you don't let any of them slip away from you. You... You of all people should always be in peak condition. So that you can always be on the front line when you do get a chance."

Takeda-sensei took a few steps back, allowing Yanagi to take his place. "Shoyo," he called. Hinata kept his head down, not daring to look at Yanagi's face. "If you keep playing, you'll end up bothering everyone."

Suga deadpanned. "Naoto-kun so harsh."

"We can still survive even without your help," he continued. "don't underestimate your teammate."

Hinata broke down in tears. Daichi almost panicked when he realized Yanagi had made people cry again. But it came to a halt when Hinata cried out and said. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry!!"

Yamaguchi walked towards him, giving him a side hug while patting his back gently. And the atmosphere was broken by Tanaka's laughter. "Getting so excited you caught a fever?! What are you, a baby?!"

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