| chapter forty nine. |

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INTERVIEWS WITH TV CREWS AND MAGAZINES ARE OVER. Yanagi had changed into more comfortable clothes as well. He had just finished a brief conversation with his employees, who he had no idea why they were present at this match. They nagged for a while before giving him a bouquet of flowers.

Yanagi was still in the gymnasium, outside the court, and in the corridor near the exit. His body was still tingling from his team's victory earlier today. His heart was still racing, and he couldn't get the image of them holding the 2013 Spring Nationals trophy out of his head.

"Naoto-san!!!" The scream made him turn his head towards the familiar figure running towards him and then jumped up, hugging him.

"Oi, Motoya!!" Sakusa, who was standing behind him, moved quickly to pull Yanagi away from Komori's strong embrace. "Naoto-san just did 5 full sets, don't make him more tired. You're really heavy."

But Komori was still hugging him and clinging to him like a child. After all, Yanagi's only reaction was to support his body and allow him to carry Komori more comfortably.

"Noo! Naoto-san didn't say anything, either," Komori smiled sweetly as he leaned back to see Yanagi's face.

Sakusa finally stepped back, huffed, and leaned in closer to the newly arrived Konoha. "Will you be joining your team for the dinner party later?"

"I suppose so. I'm still not certain when," He replied, then turned to face Konoha. "How about you?"

"I guess?? this is our last match," He said, unsure, but his gaze was fixed on Yanagi's feet. "How's your knee? I know you were in pain earlier, don't lie."

"It doesn't hurt anymore," he replied.

Sakusa took a step forward, his gaze fixed on his knee that are covered with his black pants. "What did the doctor say? Do you need the same treatment as before?"

"No. Just a little pain. I've put some ice on it," he tighten his arms around Komori who was still comfortable with the position. Then his gaze was drawn to Konoha's pinky finger, which had been hit by his spike. "How about you? Are there any injuries?"


Yanagi then turned to face Sakusa. "Is Itachiyama also having dinner together? Do you want me to pay?"

"No need," Sakusa shook his head slightly. "It's just a normal farewell dinner."

"Yanagi-san! Let's take a photo!!" Nishinoya and Tanaka's screams interrupted their conversation. The four of them turned to face the entrance, where Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka awaited them, waving their arms to get his attention.

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