| chapter forty two. |

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"'SAMU!! WE'RE GOING UP AGAINST Yanagi-san again!!" A young blonde exclaimed enthusiastically to his twin brother. His twin nodded with the same spirit. His eyes lit up when he saw the 'Karasuno' nameplate next to their school's nameplate on the scoreboard.

Seeing the figure they had been waiting for so much, Osamu's face brightened. "He came 'Tsumu!"

Atsumu nodded. "Yeah! I saw him too, 'Samu."

The two of them watched Yanagi, who was so noticeable with that body, doing some warm-up. Their gaze was fixed on his every move. As if they were children looking at candy. "'Samu, he's alone. Let's get closer," Atsumu suggested.

Osamu enthusiastically nodded, and both of them immediately put their balls back before approaching him. Aran sighed with a deadpan look. "Osamu looks calmer, but he's actually the same as Atsumu."

"Yer right," Kita nodded in agreement.

During their volleyball careers, the Miya twins had only faced Yanagi twice before today. Actually, they could have met in the finals last year, but Yanagi's injury and his losing team prevented them from doing so. Although they are disappointed because they are in the same group and will not be able to compete in the finals. However, this opportunity is still very much appreciated by them.

"Yanagi-san!!" The teen with dark gray hair ―darker and almost black than Osamu's― turned to the side, only to see the Miya Twins approaching him with shining eyes.


"I'm Atsumu, and he's Osamu!" the blonde one pointed at himself before pointing at his gray-haired brother. "We met again!!"


"We dye our hair so that people can tell us apart," Osamu explains. "Yanagi-san will play, right?"

"Are yer injuries okay?" Atsumu asked, looking down at his legs.

"We watched yer match with Tsubakihara and Yanagi-san didn't play," Osamu explained before pausing for two seconds. "But, didn't Yanagi-san play against Shiratorizawa?"

"Yeah!! But I think his knee is hurting again so he's not competing," said Atsumu.

Yanagi closed his eyes for a moment, still surprised by the Miya twins' excessive talking. "Calm down. I'm perfectly fine. And I'll play."

Suddenly the two twins fell silent happily nodding their heads. "Thank God," Atsumu let out a sigh.

As if remembering something, Osamu turned to Atsumu quickly. "'Tsumu, don't forget that!!"

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