| chapter three. |

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THE SCHOOL WAN UNUSUALLY LIVELY. Everyone was talking about it, from the third year students to the second year students to the teacher. Especially for female students. Of course, because the hottest and most talented student in the entire school, they said, had returned. 

Who else but Yanagi Naoto?

Especially for the class 3-5. Since then, everyone in the class has been whispering and staring at him. Some even dared to approach him, even though his responses were brief and cold.


The door to the classroom was slowly slid by Suga, peering inside for a moment to look for the person he was looking for before confidently entering the classroom. His gaze was drawn to the teen, who was closing his eyes and leaning against the window. He approached him, turned the chair in front of the sleeping teen, and placed his lunch bento on the table.

"Naoto-kun..." He called out by lightly shaking his shoulder. It didn't take long for Yanagi to open his eyes, which were still looks sleepy and almost closed. Suga let out a sigh. "It's your first day, and you're already asleep... working again?"

"Yeah..." He replied, not wanting to say anything else and glancing at the bento on his table. "What did you bring?"

"Bento. I know you're tired, but you need to eat to stay awake," Suga explained as he slowly opened the wrapping cloth to reveal two piles of lunch boxes. He then aligned the top box and opened the lid. "I told my mom that you returned, so she excitedly makes another portion."

"She doesn't have to do that," he commented, looking at the bento Mrs.Sugawara made with interest.

Suga simply chuckled lightly. "Shall I feed you?" he offered, feeling a little sorry to see his face, which was clearly tired. He must have stayed up late last night.

Yanagi nodded, deciding to go along with him rather than engage in a lengthy debate later. Chewing on the food that Suga had fed him, blinking sleepily, almost dozed off, while listening to Suga's excited talk, even though he already knew most of it because Kiyoko kept him up to date on their club's activities.

"Oh yeah, Naoto-kun, you're going to join practice after school, right?" Yanagi hummed while slightly nodding his head, his gaze fixed on the window. Spotting one of the first years with black hair, who was drinking something with a frown on his face.

"The bell will ring soon, you can go back to your class," he said, not having any bad intentions to kick him out. "Thank you for the lunch."

Suga pouted and stood up while adjusting the chair he'd borrowed. "Don't forget or fall asleep; I'll come to get you and drag you to the gym!" he warned, took his lunch box, and proceeded to his class, which was right next to him.

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