| chapter eight. |

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"Don't ever do that again."

Daichi gasped for air, opening his eyes wide before looking at the small clock on his nightstand. It's three o'clock in the morning. He lay back on the bed, covering his eyes with his arm he let his brain work again.

"How low. I thought you would act more mature than this."

"How low."

Those words. That sentence. It was always ringing in his head. Even his cold voice was still clear. It always sent shivers up his spine. As if he intended to imprint those words in Daichi's mind so that he would always remember his own actions.

Coupled with the incident from that day, which made Daichi want to pee back then. It was the most terrifying experience he'd ever had even more than all the horror films he had ever watched.

Daichi exhaled a long, tired breath. "I couldn't sleep again."

Daichi turned his body to the side and stared blankly at the wall. Actually, all of Yanagi's words from yesterday were true; he would not lie or deny it. And his actions, which drew Yanagi's attention and caused him to speak directly to him, were proof that he had made a fatal mistake. It may sound exaggerated, but it is true.

Well, his actions over the last few days have sounded... childish.

He should not have skipped morning practice due to his problems with Yanagi. He wasn't supposed to escape like a coward when he approached him. He's a captain, for God's sake. And Yanagi had faith in him to carry the position.

Actually, he could conclude from Yanagi's words and other meanings behind them that the man was fine if he avoided him, but Yanagi would not tolerate him leaving his duties as captain for such a trivial reason.

He groaned loudly as he turned to lay down on his stomach. He buried his head in his pillow, tightly clutching it. He tried to sleep again but couldn't. Daichi ended up simply turning his body from the right to the left side of the bed even rolling side to side. Stretching his body. Checking his homework several times. Then study some more. And ends up practicing overhead pass with the volleyball he owned for the last hours.

He does everything to relieve his anxiety and his inability to fall asleep. Daichi'd spent several hours with a mind that was constantly working and a heart that was constantly racing with nervousness. 

The teen is now sitting on one of the dining table chairs, waiting for his mother to finish cooking for their breakfast.

"Nii-san, are you okay?" Daichi looked over at one of his younger brothers, who was eating a kiwi.

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