| chapter twenty nine. |

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"KAGEYAMA, COME HERE," Yanagi called the first-year setter who had just stepped into the gym. The teen who was called simply nodded and walked over to the older one who was sitting leaning at the wall, pulling out his tablet and playing a volleyball match video.

Kageyama crouched, his gaze fixed on the volleyball player, a well-known setter from the United States. "You think you can do it too?"

Kageyama's eyes narrowed. "Apparently. I'll have to pay close attention to it and watch it over and over again."

The tablet was handed to Kageyama and the man immediately repeated the video over and over again. Sometimes surprised by the English settings.


He hums, turning his head to him.

"I'd like to have this tablet. Where did Yanagi-san get it?" Kageyama suddenly asked. "I've been watching volleyball matches on television the whole time. And I believe I could watch it for a longer period of time if I had this tablet."

Yanagi raised an eyebrow. "I bought it when I was in America. But I think Miyagi has one in Sendai's Mall," he replied. "Want to go there?"

"Yes, please."

And that's how Yanagi and Kageyama planned to go for the weekend. They met near the station and then followed Yanagi's directions (Kageyama doesn't know the road) to one of Miyagi's shopping malls.

"There are so many, I can't choose," Kageyama muttered. His gaze darted around the room. There are numerous brands and models of electronic devices available, including mobile phones, laptop computers, and tablets. And the blue-eyed teen is confused about where to start.

"Honestly, Albert bought my tablet, so I'm not sure," Yanagi said beside him. "Budget?"

Kageyama shook his head slowly. "None," then showed his card. "My family has been asking me to buy a newer phone for a long time, but I still don't feel the need. And when they found out I wanted to buy a tablet, they gave me a large sum of money."

Yanagi just nodded in understanding. Kageyama's card was an exclusive card that Yanagi also possessed. "Then we can find a tablet model who looks like mine. Albert said it was the newest one."

They are both standing in front of a tablet model that is similar to the one Yanagi has. Kageyama tried for a while before nodding to himself.


"No. I still don't feel the need," He responded nonchalantly. He waved to the waitress there, and the process of purchasing Kageyama's tablet began.

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