| chapter six. |

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THE SECOND GYMNASIUM WAS NOISY AS USUAL. With the squeaking of shoe soles against the floor, the sound of the ball hitting the floor, and the screaming that accompanied it. Yanagi, the dark gray-haired teen, was still standing near the iron pole, watching them play. Occasionally, he offers suggestions or criticism, which Kiyoko immediately writes that in her little book. He also often provides input with each other with Coach Ukai to develop the potential of other members, especially with first years.

Furthermore, he had informed Coach Ukai of the change in team members during practice. Hinata practicing with Suga as the setter so that he becomes accustomed to setters other than Kageyama(but still they have to practice their quick attack because none other than Kageyama(for now) who can do quick sets), and Kageyama practicing to give tosses to the other members. And introducing the tempo technique to first-year students and Karasuno's signature sync attack.

"Daichi, give more power to your attack," he commented and Daichi just nodded, not even looking at him or even glancing at him.

He stared blankly at Daichi's attitude. Since their conversation four days ago, this year's captain has avoided looking at him and even attempting to avoid approaching him, going as far to stand at the opposite farthest place that it was so obvious that he was avoiding him. His brow furrowed, when once again Daichi immediately turned his gaze away when their eyes met.

This is getting annoying.

Then the gym door opened slowly, everyone there immediately turned towards the door when Kiyoko finally appeared. "Excuse me, could I have a moment please?"

When they heard that, everyone came to a halt and walked over to the girl. Everyone was silent, staring with a judging gaze at the girl hiding behind Kiyoko. It's not their fault that they act that way, especially considering the few girls they met before who were wanting to apply as managers just to be close to Yanagi.

"Eek!!" The new girl jolted in surprise while hiding her body behind Kiyoko again after not even 5 seconds of peeking. "Ya-Yachi Hitoka, Sir!! Class 1-5!!"


Her shout startled everyone, but it managed to make the atmosphere less tense. Their expressions gradually softened and they began to smile at her. "Wow, Kiyoko-san!! You've already found a new manager!!" Hinata smiled, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"This is great. I'm glad to know you guys will still have a manager on the team next year," Asahi gave a friendly smile. However, his long hair, slight beard, and tall stature made that smile mean something different for the girl.

"Eeek!!" She screeched again and returned to hiding behind Shimizu, which caused Asahi to sulk. 

As she looked around the members, her body trembled, and cold sweat immediately covered her body like a second skin. Their bodies were much taller than hers, and some of them were still expressionless, and she felt like she were the prey to the murder of crows.

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