Eight 八

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"Stupid assholes"

Pouting at his not so good mood, they walked beside them while holding their hand. Giving it a squeeze to tell him that they were there even if they don't understand shit.

"I don't know what happened back there but, FUCK THEM TO HELL AND BAC-"

Putting a hand over their mouth, the creature looked around frantically to see if anyone heard what they said. "Shh shh, don't talk like that dumbass!"

He whisper shouted at them. "Mpph mphh-"


"Mphh mpph, mphh."

"You want to drink like right now?"

Nodding their head, they gave him the best puupy eyes they could give.

"It's like I'm the host and you're the parasite right now."

The creature looked at them briefly, and decided that it was best to not let them drink in the light of day. Sighing in defeat for the couple hundred times on this journey.

"Maybe at night,"

Retracting his hand from their mouth, they quickly tackle jump up and made the
creature catch them. Being taller than their host, he easily caught them.

"BUT but but but, only a little bit."


How true it was, He really did love them. In a platonic way...I guess. The first time both of them met was like fate. Both of them needed each other. The swamps he used to dwell in was no longer.

The child that was loved by all of the swamp, met him. A divine creature that lost one's status from betrayal. How he hated that they were considered as a threat. All they did was die and got yeeted into another world, that happens all the time.

The way they looked at them with hostility and doubt was not something he liked.

Those looks were not close to the looks he got when he still had his divine status.
Their laughter echoed through his mind, playing over and over again like a broken tape.

Well it's not like he can turn back time. It's not worth crying over spilled milk, afterall he had his beloved host with him. Both of them have each other and that's enough for him.

Poking his cheeks snapped him out of his daze. The looked at him in the eyes and smiled a little, before bitch slapping him.


Struggling to get back uo from the slap that shortened his life span even though he's immortal, he scrumbled back up and chased his host.

Smirking slightly, he caught up to them and declared a race.

"Whoever get's to Angel's Share last, eats pyro condensed pyro slime"


Now running at full speed and jumping from rooftops, the lead was taken by them as they tripped the creature. He grabbed their foot and made them falter a little. Taking this chance, he jumped on their shoulder and leaped upwards.

Remorphing his hands into this slime squid look, he swung himself for more momentum and then landed on the ground. Right in front of Angel's Share.

Smirking, he looked at his host sitting at the vacant table outside of the tavern.

"And I thought I won this time"

"Well, you didn't say anything about power restrictions so, I won for the 25th time now"

"And you lost 27 times befor this"

Punching him playfully, both if them entered the bar.


"Oh Dilucs here"

"Well no shit sherlock. Hi fireboi"

Diluc looked at them with his usual disinterested look. "The usual?"

"The usual"
"The usual"

Getting their drinks, he poured it in their glass. "I won't be escorting you if you get drunk again."

"Don't worry, they won't take a lot."

Lifting his glass and tasting it, he hummed in delight. The person beside him was tasting it forst and then chugged it down in one shot.

"Why are you drinking in broad daylight? Another commission I suppose."

He put down his drink and rested his head on his palm. Y/n scooted a little closer to them so they can join their conversation. "Nah, it's the knights."

Diluc's attention was fully on both of them now. "Do elaborate"

Groaning in displeasure at the mere thought of the incident, he shifted his position a little bit. "They called us in because we looked suspicious. What the fuck is that bullshit?"

Their host snorted and poured a glass of wine for him. He gladly took it and chugged it down.

" Now this Kaeya that always annoys you, he's hot but not as hot as you"

Diluc didn't know wether to be delighted or disgusted because they complimented his good for nothing brother. So he just gave them a ghost smile.

"Now let's make a toast on the insufficiency of the knights"

They gave Diluc a look and he poured a drink for himself.

Diluc was the one calling it,

"To the knight's insufficiency,"


"And fuckery"

𝑃𝑅𝑂𝑇𝑂𝑇𝑌𝑃𝐸 ⚠︎︎ -𝙂.𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙩Where stories live. Discover now