CAPTER (sry had too) 1 : Your First Day

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LOOK AT THE IMAGE ANOVE WHEN YOU SEE THIS SYMBOL (🔅)                You wake up, just  a 7 year old girl laying on bed

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You wake up, just a 7 year old girl laying on bed. You stare out the window to try and guess what time it is. People might think 'just a normal kid', but you aren't! You sit up and rub your eyes and flop back into bed tired and unmotivated.
"Good Morning sweetheart" you hear your dad call. You get the strength to sit up and reply.
"Morning, daddy" you call back happily.
"How's my little sweetheart doing?" He asked.
"I'm doing good!" You smile as he walks into your room. You're a lucky child who knows a secret that almost no one else knows. This pleases you. Makes you feel special. You are!
You push yourself out of bed and get dressed, you pull a floral dress over your head and onto your body,you put your baby blue leggings and put a kitty headband on.
"Are you ready for school?" Your father asks. Both of you are nervous for you and your first day of school because. when you were little you got homeschooled, your dad thought you were not old enough to keep a big secret of your guys. He taught you normal school work and some let's just say unique stuff. You grab your rolling vintage backpack on and get on the bus.

"Love you" your father blows you a blow one back. You both know it's better for you to go to school instead of hanging out in a place we're it's dangerous, as your dad works. You're really nervous and feel as though the whole of swellview is relying on you. You scramble to find someone who looks nice. You run to a seat with an older boy, you think "he seems nice" You feel comfortable around him. You try your best to keep your mouth shut about your secret, you think about questions that could give away that your dad is Captain Man.

"Hey what's your name" the older boy asked
"Savannah" you say making sure to leave out your last name, you don't say Manchester nor Man. You are usually scared around older kids but not him, you feel safe.
"What's yours?" you ask
"Oh Henry hart!" He says enthusiastically. "Your first time at school?"
"Yeah, since my dad is my homeschool teacher" you say. You dodge the first questions. You're going to try to stick with him. You don't feel pushed to tell him about your father at all, or how it happened, how you were orphaned as a baby, you got kidnapped by Dr.Minyak. Then captain man fought and won, orphanages thought you were part of a plan with Dr. Minyak so they all rejected you, leaving captain man to raise you.
"Hey! What are your hobbies" Henry asks.
"I like..." you can't say anything that wouldn't give it away.
"I like to read old news articles" you say.
"Oh and help my Father with work"
"Oh cool, what does he do?" asked the hart kid. You freak out and run to the back of the bus, causing you to fall and hit your head. You push yourself up and into a seat. Henry rushes back to where you are, and starts to walk you back to an empty seat next to him.
"Got a girlfriend, Hart?" a Taller more obese boy says.
"No, Leave us alone Mitch" Henry says.
"Why should I, huh huh" Mitch says.
He seats you down before the bus driver sees you guys out of your seats.
"Word of advice, stay away from him" Henry says.
"Hpmh" you sigh.
"What wrong savannah" Henry looks you in the eye.
You feel scared, you're torn, you can't tell but he seems so nice. You push your head into your legs and start to cry.
"Hey,hey" Henry says and hugs you. You sniffle.
"I could arrange for you to just watch my classes" Henry says "if you want".
Your head still down, you nod.
"Your parents wouldn't mind, right?" He says again
"No, he won't" you say.
"Okay good! I'll tell the principal right when we get off" he says. When you get off you're almost trampled by other kids, so you fall to the ground. When the crowd clears you can't see Henry, you kind of freak out. You feel and hand on your shoulder and quickly turn ready to protect yourself like you learned. It's just Henry. You let out a relieved sigh.
"You okay?" He asked. You nod. You follow him and his friends to their classes and watch. At lunch you sit across from them, giving them some sort of privacy.
"Hey Savan" Henry says, giving you a nickname.
You nod.
"Not to upset you, I was just wondering why you got scared when I asked what your parents did" he asked
"I don't know I just got overwhelmed, sorry" you hang your head in guilt.
"It's fine, anyway what do they do?" He asked
"My dad... he is a" you blanked. "He is a chemist" you lie.
"Cool!" Henry says.
"I live with my dad, My mom died a while ago" you say sadly.
"Sorry about that," Henry says. Your watch beeps.
"Reminder, my dad wants me to call him, darn I forgot my flip phone" you say. Of course you don't have one, but how would you explain a hover gram of the biggest superhero in swellview, above your wrist.
"Henry reaches in his pocket and grabs out his phone, what's his number" he asks. Oh no you can't remember all you can remember is the captain man hotline and ninety percent of the swellview population knows it by heart.
"He doesn't like me giving it out" you say uncomfortably.
"Oh, okay here" he hands you his phone. You dial the captain man hotline.
"Cap-'' Your dad says. Eek it's in speaker you rush to turn It off.
"Hello anyone there" you hear him say.
"It's me, savannah" you say
"Oh why didn't you call me on your watch" he asked
"I was sitting with some kids" you say.
"Okay is everything going well?" He asked."oh and whose phone is this?"
"a kid I met on the bus Henry." You say.
"Oh cool, how old is he" he asked..
"I think, Maybe 4th or 5th grade" you say.
"And you're being careful, you know what I mean, right?" he asked.
"Yes of course" you reply.
"Okay good, have a good day call me if you need ANYTHING" he says. "I'm never too bus- Scratch that, if I'm not trying to ki-" you accidentally click the speaker.
"It's on speakerphone" you half yell at him. You frantically turn it off.
"All good" you say you say with a sigh.
"If I'm not killing a psychopath, I'm not too busy," he says. "Love you scrunchim"
"Love you too" you dealt the call from his calling list.
After some more classes and a long bus ride home school is officially over.
"I have some extra time before I get to home. I could walk you home" he offered.
"Oh, nooo it's fine. I have walked the streets a bit. I know my way" you say.
"Okay see you" he says. You wave and walk down the road, you have to cross this terrifying alleyway. You're about half way through. You feel a warm hand cover your mouth.

I've already made The next Few Capters (I'm sorry I have too:)) I just want to see what people think before I release the next part) have a good day!!!! Please add to your library if you want to find out who is covering your mouth!
Word count: 1236 without message
1290 with message

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