Capter 6: in a pickle

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It's Charlotte! You recognize her from school

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It's Charlotte! You recognize her from school.

You whisper to Henry, who is now hidden in your room. He is in uniform, because he and captain man been getting a lot of emergency calls.

She stumbles and falls down from the sharp ending of the elevator, and She passes out, you and Henry, also ray run out to make sure she's okay.

"Charlotte" Henry shakes.
"Charlotte" Henry shakes her again.
"She'll be fine, she probably hit her head when the elevator slammed" you say.

"Wait Savannah! You should probably, you know go hide" Henry says.
"Good call, She'll be confused if i'm here for sure." You reply as you take cover behind a large machine. You watch to see if she wakes up. She blinks a few times and pulls herself up. You realized, oh no. Woopsie. Kid danger and captain man are there, not Henry hart and dad. You noticed this was a problem when you remembered Henry hart works at this store.

"Henry?" She asked.
"Who's Henry?" Henry asked.
"Why are Captain man and kid in danger in a junk store?" Charlotte asked.
"Because there was a robbery in the basement" your dad says nodding.

"Henry...,." Charlotte says reaching at kid danger.
"I'm not Henry, but I did have to follow a boy named Henry, because he was doing some weird stuff, I wanted to make sure there was no crime" Henry said.

"Okay," Charlotte said, not amused.

"Do you want to know the truth" he said

"Yeah" Charlotte said sassed.

"Do you want to know where he really goes" Henry asked.

"Yeah!" Charlotte said

"He's a jazz musician.... he doesn't tell a lot of people... but secretly he plays jazz...." kid danger says. Captain man tries to hold in his bursts of laughter.

"I think you're Henry," Charlotte says.

"No, I'm not" he says turning his lips in and nodding slowly. She reached out at Henry, she is still on the floor from her trip. She reaches out to pull off his mask.

"See Henry" she says as she pulls it off. Ray is besides him looking at the both disapprovingly.

"Now I'm going to have to give her a job, kill her, or erase her brain" Ray said, annoyed. Charlotte's eyes widened. "Fine you can have a Job.... IF you pass the pickle test"

He hands her a tightly sealed jar of one pickle. Yes, he has a random jar of one pickle on his table.

"You have 5 mins to g" ray can't finish. Charlotte throws the jar in the ground and picks up the pickle.

"Here's your pickle" she says

A/N: this was fun to
Write hope you enjoyed this VERY short chapter lol, I just realized how short this is Omg, well
Word count: 463

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