Chapter five: someone is here

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You sleep peacefully and wake up the next morning on a weekend to discover Henry is in the mancave. You walk out into the working area and sit down.
"Hey, why is Henry here" you ask."it's early"
"Oh, I have to go take Jeff to jail" Ray says, popping a gum-ball into his mouth. You yawn.
"Henry is going to watch you, and you help him train" Captain man tells you.
"Wait, are you sure" Henry says concerned ."I don't want to hurt her"
"Oh believe me she'll be fine" he says getting in the tube.
"Are you sure?" You ask smiling."in wouldn't want to knock him unconscious and not have a sitter"
"Take it easy" he winks and you and says "up the tube"
"Your dad is cool," Henry says.
"I know" you reply.
"What first?" he asks.
"Defense" you say as you grab the laser.
"You need to pick something up to block the blast" you pick up the laser, wait a few minutes moving back and forth around him. You shoot the laser, it hits him. You sigh.
"Ow" he says.
"Try again," you say. You try a few times and finally he blocks it it reflects and you jump out of the way.
"Better," you shoot it again, he blocks it. Once he gets the hang of it. You try something else, you lunge at him, he pushes you off. You circle him and grab onto his back and neck. You hold the laser to him.he tries to grab the laser and get you off but fails.
"Try again" you say almost laughing.
"Okay," he says tired. You play around with the lasers and hang out. Ray hasn't come back yet, so you decide to beep him on his watch.
"Hi- u okay" you ask.
"Yeah, it just took longer then expected I have to also bring a lost girl home" Ray said.
"Who's that" you hear a voice say in the background. Henry calls you over.
"That Sounds like Charlotte" Henry whispered.
"What? Uh okay I'll handle it" you say nodding.
You open your watch up again.
"Its captain man's Operator, I just pass any calls he gets to him" you say.
"Oh cool," Charlotte says.
"What's the message?" Ray plays along.
"Some guy called an unknown number asking if you wanted to buy natural hair gel" you say.
"I'm good, All stocked up" Captain man said laughing.
"Okay sir I'll tell them no" you reply.
"Here's my house" Charlotte says after you hang up. She gets out and ray drives back to the man cave. He goes down the elevator and greets you.
"Hi, we're good," Henry says. You agree.
"Savannah, don't you have some Homework to do" Ray asked you.
"Oh don't, actually I finished it on the bus. Yesterday Henry was busy worrying about me noticing, well him being so worried. I had time to finish all of my homework" you lie convincingly.
"Mhm" you dad says. "I know you have homework, but you can use the Information Blabby blab thing" Ray says.
"Hm?" Henry says turning his head to one side.
"Oh, it's this helmet that transfers all the information on any topic ever found into your brain" you say. He nods.
"It can hurt a lot, it takes some time to get used to" you say. You go over to we're all the gadgets are and grab a dangerous looking helmet, you plug it into a screen and enter your homework questions and sit down, then put it on. You grab onto the chair hardly, and turn the helmet on. You clinched your eyes, In pain. Henry looks over at you.
"She okay?" he asked Ray, looking at you weirdly.
"Yeah, I'm sure she's fine," Ray says back.
"You okay," Ray says, signaling to you.
"It...just... stings." You say.
"See" ray says.
"A lot" you reply. Once the bing goes off letting you know it's done you remove the helmet, and place it on the table. You stumble of dizziness. You quickly finish your homework and place it in your bag.

>>>>>times pass<<<<<<<

You hear a loud banging at the top of the elevator shaft. Everyone else is sleeping, so you look at the security cameras yourself. Weird, there all out. You whisper yell for your dad. Henry hears and rushes over.
"I heard something" you say pointing up the elevator. He tells you to go to your room. You go over to rays first and wake him up, you explain what you heard and seen. He walks outside.
"You see it's no-" he is interrupted by a scream, coming from the elevator.
"Flee, scatter, scram" Ray says. Covering everything with table cloths.

Someone walks out.....

Sorry for the shorter chapter: I really liked the cliff hanger here!! I will post more later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Words: 814

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