Capter 3: your Opinion

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                 Nothing big, nothing big. Wait!
                    "Dad!" You yell. He comes in.
                    "What is it darling" he asked
                    "Look, there has been a hostage at the park" you pointed out. He pops a gum Into his mouth.
                      "Can I come!!!!!!" You ask "pleassseeeeeee" you squeal. He hesitated.
                     "Fine, but stay in the mancopter," he says.
He parks the helicopter and tells you to stay, and to use this Plasma shooter if anyone tried to attack.
               "Your Smart for giving me a 7 year old one of these" you smile.
             "I always am," he smiles and taps your nose. He runs off and saves the hostages and brings the guy to jail. You sit in the mancopter. Then oh no, you see Henry.

           You're pretty sure he spotted you but you ducked. He doesn't go up to it because it belongs to captain man. But he does take a selfie with it and wait there, not wanting to get hurt in a crime. Captain man comes back and sees the kid and looks at the mancopter. He waves the kid bye and gets in.
              "He seems nice," your dad said and he nodded.
              "He's Henry" you say.
               He freaks, "he didn't see you right!?!?" He panicked.
                 "Do I don't think so," you say, as he takes off back to the man cave. Once you land you head off inside. You sit down tempted to blow one of his bubblegums. You reach then pull your arm back. You decided not to.

You go to bed.You wake up nice and early, walk to the bus stop by yourself. Captain man had to catch a treanthing criminal. You get on the bus and sit next to Henry.
                 "Did I see you inside that helicopter that I think belonged to captain-man?" he asked.
                 "What noo?" You say convincely.
                  "Okay", he shrugs.

You go to get your watch and notice you still had the plasma blaster in your bag. Note to self let no one in your bag. Your day goes according to plan.

You get home and hand your dad the plasma blaster. He takes it and sets it down.
             "Who did your day go?" He asked.
              "Really good" you say.

-One year later-
            You're eight now and got good at hiding your secret. Henry's middle school is connected to yours so you get to see him every day. You become close and you trust him with almost everything.

        Despite the fact that your dad is the biggest superhero is swellview.
            You've met and; are not as close with Jasper, one of Henry's best friends. You get along better with Charlotte, who seems to understand you better.
         You sit in your class, sucking on a lollipop. You take notes on your whatever she is talking about. You're going to start to work on writing an opinion paper.
          As your teacher is talking about writing a gripping introduction you think about what you have a strong opinion on.

           You think about it hard, you can write about, dogs. You decided to choose something else. Maybe about climate change, wait you get the perfect idea!  Our advancements in science has leaped in the past 10 years. You work on your essay for a week and finally finish.

        I Thinke that the advavencemnt of technology got a lot better over the span of ten years. I can, write about the biggest tech in 2010. You will also reeed about the improvements in 2011, till 2020.
       In 2010 The biggest gadgets were The FitBit and first Apple iPad. They are still used today, but were the building blocks for bigger and better technology.
        2011. it could be dubbed "the year of the smartphone" large improvements were made The 10-petaflop barrier was created as well. This is a small step from 2010. Now, I will skip to 2015.
          In 2015 4 years later then 2011, we made a bigger step towards technology. We made zero emission car, wich is better for the earth. We also developed, "Sense and avoid" drones, these check or deliver supplies to the military.
        In 2018. That is 3 years later!  We got 3D metal printing people use it to print different things in metal like a pole for a house. We also got better online privacy.
         In 2019 we got smarthomes! Woah A big step, I know! They also made a talking hearaid. Wich is a helpful step up.
         This is why I think we improve well in technology. Thank you for reading, I hope I opened up your mind!

(The reason there is grammar and spelling mistakes is because she is 9 I did it on purpose)
          You get your paper back. You got a (A). You smile and put the test in your folder and into your backpack. You go home and hand it to your dad, getting an impressed response.

-One year later-
             You're nine now and Henry is 13.

Capitan man needs help fighting crime and neither of you want you to do it,

first, your kind of young.

Second, it will get weird on the news.

Third, he doesn't want you getting hurt.

Then,  He puts up a fake add for junk n' stuff.  You go to school in which you have a routine. You talk to Henry on the bus and at lunch.

Your grades are good and you have Henry as a friend. When you get home, You grab some ice cream. Then notice Ray is wearing a nice suit. You take a spoonful of ice cream and sneak a laser into your locket and ask
               "hey what's going on" you point to his suite.
"Interview" he says.
                "Ohhh coool" you squeal. You go to hide in your room.
                 "Icecream down," he says you set your icecream down.

                 "Lase" he is interrupted by a scream

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                 "Lase" he is interrupted by a scream.
                  "Scatter" he yells.
                  "Okay" you say loudly. Oh no you hope they didn't hear you.

You hide in your room listening in suspense. You can't hear anything.

You wait, and wait and wait...

Finally you hear the sound of captain man transforming. You bite your lip and hope he met someone legit.
After the interview is over,
              you hear your dad say  "see you tomorrow." You hear the elevator going up and come out of the room.
                  "How did it go!" You ask.
                  "Great!!" Ray says picking you up hugging you and spinning in circles. He sets you down and you fall over from dizziness. You both laugh at that. The next day at school you realize Henry is nervous.
             "You okay?" You ask. He is biting his nail.
"Yeah, I um my dog is sick" he says looking around.
             "Is it super contagious" you say. "Why are you looking around?" You say
               "I'm fine," he says. You notice him looking a round and monitoring his every move.

-End of school-
You get off the bus and see Henry look your way and dart off, he is going the way you usually go, so instead you go a different way. You enter and see Henry, you make your way to the back with him seeing you. You quickly and quietly make you way ba-. He's seen you.
               "I have something to tell you," he says

THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!! next chapter coming out soon! I need to edit it and add a little to it! Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!
Word count: 1229:)

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