Capter 11: truth be told pt 1.

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You wake up the next morning, you grab the water on your side table and take a sip. You lay your head back on your pillow, about to go back to sleep.


"Oh, Chihuahuas!" You say to yourself. "I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE" you yell.

"Sorry, Savannah! Jeff robed the dump" Henry says closing your door. You get up and out on some clothes.

You go downstairs to the auto snacker and get a fruit salad

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You go downstairs to the auto snacker and get a fruit salad. You get a text from your friend Tomika.
Sh= Savannah

Ta hey, how you doing

Sh:I'm fine just got woke up at like 6 am, you?

Ta I'm doing okay, I have a promfacence coming up.

Sh: you'll do great!!!!

Ta: you rly think so

Sh ya Ofc

Ta: thanks

Sh: anyway why ya text me?

Ta: oh I was wonderful if you wanted to hang out....

Sh: let me text my dad
Cm- ray/captain man

Cm- hey honey was up

Sh: can I hang with Tomika today.

Cm- sorry, just what happened with Bose and all....

Sh: yeah it's fine.

Sh: my dad said we are busy 😔

Ta: it's fine.
Charlotte arrived at the man cave. She sits down and starts reading a book. You sit next to her and lay your head on her side reading her book.

"Hey Savannah," she says. In Charlotte's book there's a young girl eating dinner with her family, this reminds you of that dream. A family of two girls, two boys.... and a mom and dad.a single tear Rolls down your cheek.

"Hey, you okay," Charlotte says, noticing.

"Uh, yeah...." you say zoned out.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" She asked you.

"My family" you say. "I wonder who they are, yesterday I had this dream...."  Charlotte is like your sister, you share everything with each other. She looks at you sympathetically when Ray and Henry come down the tube. You and Henry and Charlotte and ray and Schowz watch a movie together.

After it's over you and Charlotte do a craft.
"So what did the family in your dream look like?" she asked quietly.

"Well, there were was a older boy with black hair and a girl, there was a smaller girl with brown hair and a boy, and two older people who I'm guessing where the mom and dad" you say, trying to remember. "There were taking a family photo" you remarked as you remembered.

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