Capter 7: a sleepover to rember

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Hey guys I just finished the capter. I'm sorry I haven't edited it yet..... hope you enjoy

      After Charlotte gets accepted and takes it all in you make yourself some ice cream and spicy milk. You realized there were only a few more days to your birthday! After you finish your spicy milk and ice cream you get ready for bed.

You say bye to Henry and Charlotte , You brush your teeth, take a bath, put on some pajamas, turn your lights off. Then you doze off to sleep.

                     Flash flash flash flash
"Sorry, honey. Sorry about the emergency call, I'll have Henry come over and turn it off" he says. You rub your eyes and sit on the couch. You look at the video message, toddler. Step three of his plan. Monster baby. Diapers. You turn it off, when is Henry going to come.

He finally comes through the elevator.
"Come on! It's 2:30 am" Henry says. He looks at you now halfway asleep.
"Oh hey savannah" he says loudly, snapping you out of your sleep.You watch over the man cave till Henry comes back, it takes about 2 hours or so. Now you can finally get some sleep. When you wake up later in the morning you go out and have some pancakes.

A week later.

The day before your birthday has come.  You have some fun, Henry is out on a vacation so you get to help out on some crimes. You have fun, then dart in the distance when the news comes. When you come back you relax and hang out with Charlotte.

"Oh I forgot to ask, did Henry tell you his secret, or did you find out yourself?" Charlotte asked, smiling.

"No" you simply say. Now Charlotte is  confused.

"You didn't find out yourself, or you didn't have him tell you?" She asked. "Which one?"

"Neither" you say.

"Oh so you came with him, he got the job of sidekick and you decided to just help out around the man cave?" She says thinking she understands.

"Nope" you say.

"Okay I'm confused!" She admits.

"10-questions?" you say.

"Sure! I love that game" she replied.

(There going to be talking a lot so I'm going to say S and C"

1."Okay did you follow Henry" -C

"No, not really" - s

2."Okay, did captain man tell you ?"- C asked

"Could've but didn't" - S

3."Did you know since he got the job" - C

"Yes!" - S

4."did you know captain before him" - C

"Yup! Way before" - S

5. " did he tell you?" - c

"No, I found it. But anyone in my position would"- S

6."Have you known him for longer than a year" - C

"Yes I have"- S

7. "Longer then you've known Henry" - C

"Mhm" - S

8. " did you use to be his sidekick" - C

"No"- S

9. " do you know him through gooch" - C

"Nope"" - S "one more question"

10. "Are you a ghost?" Charlotte says poking you.

"No!" You said giggling. "But I think you have to go now, Henry already left"

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