Capter 8: a dream to remember;)

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A year later
Your ten. Henry is 13 and will be turning 14 in a week.

It's midday and you're relaxing having a snack. You're nervous about kid danger and captain man fighting Dr.minyak, but assume they're fine. You pop a paratoh chip into your mouth and pick up your phone. No messages. The captain man hotline rings. Charlotte is at a after school curriculum. Once she gets back she will help you manage the man cave.

"Captain man's office, I'm sorry but kid danger and captain man are currently off fighting. Dr.minyak would like me to pass your message" you say in a clear and operated voice.

"Yes, please," you hear Henry Hart's friend Jasper say.
"How could they assist you?" you ask.
"My dog got stuck under the porch," he says.
"I could connect you to the police office?" You say.
"They contacted you," he says. You sigh.
"Okay, there could be a delay because they both out currently figh" you say as your watch beeps.
"Do you mind holding" you say.
"No" he says back.
Just then Charlotte walks in to help out, since school ended.
"Yeah, kid danger is this you?" You ask.
"Mhm, it's me Henry'' Henry says. "We think we might need your help" You hesitate to answer, and breath heavily

"Are you su-re" you say. Taking deep breaths.
"Yeah, captain man is holding him off, but we can't get closer To him" he says. You hold your breath, close your eyes and agree. You close your watch and unmute the call.
"Oh, ok I'm back" you say worried.
"Uh, okay can you get them" he asked.
"Ye-yeah I'll tell them to hurry, send them over right when they get back" you say thinking about your next change your clothes to the most hidden you can, you put a hood on and face paint with sunglasses. You hesitate again before getting in the tube. You hit your buckle. You tell Charlotte to watch I've the man cave while you're gone.

"U-up the tu-tube" you say quickly and quietly. You get out a block before minyaks hide out. You start to hyperventilate. You rush down the block and quietly open the door.

Dr.minyak drops Henry who ray and him are tugging at, ray catches him before he hits the ground.

"Well, we meet again" minyak snickers. you close yours. Eyes for a second, hoping this time will be better then the first.

"How's your life back at home?" he smirks sinfully. Ray, who was helping Henry back up, looked at you quickly.
"Better than.. with you" you say, holding a straight face.

Just then Henry pushes him to the ground and tries to zap him. Only the battery's are almost dead. Dr minyak makes a u-turn, and kicks him in the stomach, Henry falls on the group pain siering in his side. It slowly spreads up into his thigh.

Ray throws you a blaster, You don't know how to use it. Instead, You hold the barrel and hit minyak in the head With the knock Dr.minyak to the ground. His head throbs but he manages to get up.

-Back at the man cave-
Charlotte is worried for you, but she is 'house sitting' she gets herself some ice cream, from the auto snacker. She flips back on the couch, bored that she is not getting any calls.

-back to the fight-

Henry throws a punch at Dr.minyak, he turns his side in time. Making Henry just miss.

Dr. Minyak pushes kid danger to the ground. Captain man gets Dr.minyak pinned and punches him,then minyak swings his arm over and hits Kid danger.

Captain man reaches over and kicks Minyak.

You're all about to win, when Nurse cholehart hands Minyak a large machine, he blasts you with it. You turn to dodge but trip.You fall to the ground. You hear captain man croak your name, then you zonked out,

you awake but everything is different. Dr. Minyak is in a ballet dress? Kid danger is a dog and captain man is a cat. Everyone is at the campfire.

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