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"Hey, Julianna. Who's your favourite streamer?" asked Will. After parting ways with Aaron, they decided to chill at Will's place, or more specifically, lay on Will's couch and watch a Karl Jacobs stream.

"Easy, Karl Jacobs," Jules shrugged as she continued to watch the stream. Despite him being a newer streamer, Jules enjoyed his content very much.

Will took offence to that.

"Wh- Karl fucking Jacobs?" he asked in disbelief, as the girl lets out a soft chuckle.

"What? You expect me to say Oh my god, Wilbur Soot is my all time favourite streamer! I watch him 24/7!"

"Well.. yeah!" answered Will, crossing his arms. "I can't believe you'd pick Karl Jacobs over me-"

"Quit being such a pissbaby! I'm trying to watch a stream here," said Jules, focused on Will's laptop which was used to watch Karl's stream.

Will let out an annoyed grumble, "Well then, you don't mind if I type something in chat real quick do you?"

"Yeah, whatever," replied Jules, too busy with watching the stream.

Will then proceeded to type in the chat, careful that Jules wouldn't accidentally see it before he could send it.

After he was done, he smirked at himself and leaned back as he waited for Karl to notice.

"Wilbur's in the chat, everyone say hey! My friend is a huge fan of you and would love to meet you smiley face, yeah sure you can join the DreamSMP VC, I'd love to meet them!" exclaimed Karl as Jules went pale.

"WILLIAM WHAT THE FUCK?" she yelled, clearly nervous and angry that he would rat her out, but Will found this hilarious.

"Pfft.. It's just Karl Jacobs. Every girl's dream guy, Karl Jacobs. Come on, are you gonna join the VC or not?" asked Will in between laughs as he got up.

"What? No! I don't wanna come off as some crazy fan girl of Karl Jacobs that just so happens to be friends with Wilbur Soot!" she panicked.

"Well.. you already are known as all that actually, might as well accept it and embrace it," shrugged Will as he offered his arm to her.

"No! Fuck off William, this is Karl Jacobs! THE Karl Jacobs!" Will lets out a scoff and grabs her arm to forcefully get her up.

"Yeah and you're being a pussy. You'll be finee. You've gamed with other streamers before- heck you've even talked to Corpse fucking Husband before and now you're afraid of talking to Karl Jacobs?"




"Alright! Let's go use my setup, I think I forgot to turn it off earlier, so we can join immediately," announced Will as Jules got even more nervous.

As Will dragged another chair to his room and prepared some stuff, Jules started mumbling to herself as she closed the stream on Will's laptop.

Why did I have to offend Will like that? I mean it's the truth but the idiot couldn't handle it. OhmygodimgonnatalktoKarlJacobs. The Karl Jacobs. What do I say? What do I not say? What if I make a fool out of myself? Should I just book it and run? I should run. Maybe I could run to the ice cream store nearby. I could get ice cream.. Mm ice cream..

"Julianna! Get in here!" yelled Will, causing Jules to snap out of her train of thought.

"WILLIAM I'M GONNA RUN TO THE ICE CREAM STORE!" she yelled back as she raced to grab her bag, hearing the thud of footsteps.

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