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"JULES I'VE GOT THEM DISTRACTED! GET THEIR BED!" yelled Tommy as Jules lets out a scoff, already focused on doing that in the first place.

"GOT IT!" Jules yelled back as she helped Tommy defeat the last remaining player in this game of Bedwars that they were currently playing.

"Yes, get them- YES! DREAM TEAM BABY!" cheered Tommy as Jules cheered along with him.

Niki and Wilbur let out a few laughs upon hearing the two's obvious enthusiasm.

"That was so good, LET'S GO AGAIN!" cheered Jules as the three laughed even harder.

"These two make such an interesting pair," said Wilbur as Niki hummed in response.

Jules, feeling insulted somehow decided to ask, "Oi, is that supposed to be a good thing?"

"Yes, it is! See, Jules. We are so powerful, even Will admits it," adds Tommy causing the three to laugh again.

"Not really what I was getting at-"

"EXACTLY!" cheered Jules as Will lets out an audible scoff.




"..Julesssss, is it happening again?" Tommy asked in a somewhat teasing tone.

"Wh- OH! Yeah. Tommyyy, I think someone's j-j-j-jealous," Jules joined in as the other two in the call let out a laugh.

"I wonder why Will is jealous," Niki joined in, causing Jules to grin.

"I'm not- What would I even have to be jealous about?" asked Will as Tommy lets out a laugh before replying,

"I mean.. I'm turning 18 soon,"

"NO! STOP! Okay, chat. This is just a bit, for obvious reasons," Will explained as Tommy and Jules laughed.

"I mean.. I could wait," Jules teased Will, causing another outburst from him.


Jules playfully rolled her eyes at her friend, "Fineee. I'll just steal Niki from you,"

"I wouldn't mind," Niki said softly.


"Chill out, you big baby. I was joking, plus, William probably wouldn't like it if I tried stealing Niki from him,"


"True, me and Niki are like- the better duo," Will said, Jules could see him smirking right now.

"OH YEAH? LET'S DO ANOTHER ROUND OF BEDWARS. I bet me and Jules could beat both of you again," Tommy said smugly.

"I don't know, Tommy. They might have a chance," Jules sighed sarcastically.


"Let's do it then, 2v2," Niki cuts off Will this time, which surprised both Jules and Tommy.

Jules could feel her grin growing by the second, "Alright! Determination, I love it,"

After that, Tommy and Jules ended up winning and rubbing it in on the other team's faces. Jules called it sweet victory but Will just thought they were being obnoxious.

The four then decided to play 4v4's and got stream sniped multiple times. Despite not winning, they all had fun joking around.

Now they've all ended their streams and decided to just chill a little longer in the VC.

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