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"Julie! Oh, God. Don't tell me you slept through the entire thing?" teased Jules' dad, Godric. Flicking her head slightly.

Groaning, she stood up and stretched her muscles before replying, "I swear I was awake.. I still don't get why I have to go back to fucking.. school basically when I've already been helping you with this for YEARS!"

Godric threw her a warning look, "Language, Julie. And you know your mother and I only want the best for you, the more experience you have the better you'll be at this,"

Jules rolled her eyes, smiling slightly at her dad, "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I'll be MIA for the next few days,"

"Right! I almost forgot about that. Your spending time with friends right? Do have fun and tell Will to let loose," Jules lets out a laugh as she went in to hug her dad.

"She's as stuck up as mother is, it'd be a miracle if I'd be able to get him to live a little around me,"

"Hmm.. You are a handful,"

Jules lets out a scoff as she hits her dad softly, "Says the person I got it from,"

"Hey! You should be proud to have my good looks and great personality," Godric said proudly as Jules flashed him a deadpanned look.

"..Now I know how William feels. Anyways! I have to go, I'll say hi to Ronnie on the way out," Jules smiled at him and left as soon as he said his goodbye.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something.." Godric mumbles to himself before shrugging it off.




"NO WAY. YOU ARE NOT COMING WITH US RONNIE!" Jules whisper yelled as loudly as possible, crossing her arms at Aaron.

"Aw.. but Will said I could! Please, Julie? I promise I'll keep it on a down low as possible!" He flashed her puppy dog eyes which Jules ignored to glare at Will.

Will put his hands up, "Woah there, tiger. I honestly don't see a deal with bringing him along. We're picking Tommy and his dad up right? I was hoping they'd get along well,"

"The gremlin child TommyInnit?- Wait was that a compliment or-"

Jules rubbed her temples before letting out a sigh, "Fine! We'll bring my dear brother of mine along. Just try not to attract the public eye,"

"What can I say? Looking good comes with flaws," Aaron said smugly as Will lets out a laugh while Jules simply deadpanned, feeling the sense of déjà vu.

Aaron took it as a sign to grab her sister's arm and start walking away as quickly as possible in case Jules changed her mind.

"Can you slow down? It's not like we're late to a flight- plus we're leaving William behind," Jules said struggling slightly to keep up.

"I'm excited! What can I say? Plus, he's got long ass legs, he'll catch up," Aaron kept walking but slowed down once he and Jules noticed a flash.

"..Damn it," Jules mumbled as she quickly started walking to a nearby clothing store, "We got caught,"

Aaron's face immediately turned into one of guilt, "I'm sorry! I didn't know! I could go talk to them,"

"It's fine. I'm alright with it, but are you?" She asked, referring to his reputation.

Aaron shrugged and grinned, "I mean, it's just hanging out with my beloved sister. This is basically some weird fan service,"

Jules rolled her eyes playfully before letting out a laugh.

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