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Staying true to her word, Jules hadn't contacted Will ever since their little disagreement. Although it wasn't like Will was even trying to contact her anyways, she didn't receive a single call or text message from him so why should she be the one to reach out first.

She was currently at a recording studio, moping on the couch during her break. After letting out another sigh, Jeremiah, whom decided to tag along put his book down on the table in front of her rather harshly, "Okay. You've been sighing and moping all day. What did Will do this time?"

She threw him a look, "Why do you think William always has something to do with my problems?" But the man simply shrugged, "I told you before, you two stick to each other like you're glued together. So if either one of you is moping around then that means something happened between you two."

Well damn, he wasn't wrong there.

Letting out a sigh, she decided to give in, "I tweeted about something that would put my reputation at risk according to William. But like, I don't want to hide from the internet forever just because of my family background. It feels unfair that they all get to go out there and be.. known.. whereas I just feel like if I don't make my stand out somewhere then I'll just be like- I don't know some sort of dust that blows right into your eyes."

Jeremiah lets out a chuckle, "Well.. I personally think he's being a bit too protective without considering your feelings. But then again, haven't you already made your debut? I thought I remembered seeing you in the newspaper last year."

Feeling herself get embarrassed over Jeremiah's teasing, she recalled how she had made a scene last year which had gotten her in big trouble. Not only was she made out as the black sheep of her family, she had also put her family's reputation at risk.

"Okay, I was stupid. I was mad, angry. But how could I stay calm when I was denied of living my life the way I wanted it by my own mother? Jerry you weren't here last year." Thats right. How could she have released all her anger on someone who wasn't even here when it happened?

Jules felt a hand being placed on top of hers, realising that Jeremiah had put his hand on hers in a comforting matter, "You're right. I wasn't here last year, but I'm here now and I'll just say that whatever you decide to do, I'm all for supporting you, but please just promise me you'll try to be careful with what you do." Somehow, his words hadn't comforted her entirely, yet they've made her feel somewhat at peace. Maybe it was because they were somewhat similar in the sense of freedom.

"Thank you." Those were the only words she could use to show her appreciation at the moment. Yet, it was enough for their friendship to grow closer as they changed the topic and talked about the party Jeremiah was supposed to be preparing for tonight.

Instead of seeing a panicked Jeremiah, Jules decided to help him with the preparations, which he was grateful for.

Time flew by quickly and all the preparations were finally done. Jules was now at her apartment, preparing herself for the party in which she would talk to for the first time since their argument. To say she wasn't the least bit nervous as shit would be a lie.

In fact, she felt her heart pounding in her chest as she reached the party's destination, Jeremiah's big ass humble abode.

It was no surprise that there were already a lot of people despite being early. Jules then parked her car inside of Jeremiah's garage as per his request after Jules helped him.

After doing so, she took a big breath in and out before getting out of the car and heading towards the noise.

Music blaring out from the speakers, LED lights setting the mood, drinks all lines up at tables, party games being prepared in every single room. Damn, maybe they went a bit overboard. Nonetheless, the one thing good about Jeremiah's home was that he had no neighbours nearby to disturb, so they could be as loud as they want.

Looking around the place for Jeremiah, she found him talking to the guys she met back in the skatepark, Jamie, Liam and Brett.

Thankfully, Jeremiah caught sight of Jules and waved her over. The two decided to match for today, being the host and the last minute decided co-host of the party. Jeremiah wore a long sleeved buttoned down shirt with dark blue jeans complimented with some black and white converse shoes, whilst Jules wore a cold shoulder lace flounce sleeve romper with simple black heels.

Jules made her way over to the four, earning hollers from them which made her laugh. "Hey guys."

"Jules, good to see you again. How's your soon to be husband and 50 cats doing?" Jamie asked, causing Jules to laugh nervously. "Woah, you have 50 cats?" Brett asked in disbelief.

Jules shook her head slightly, "No. That was actually just a little joke he does, we aren't like that and I don't really have 50 cats. Although it's very tempting,"

Jeremiah shrugged at her, "Fuck it. Go adopt 50 cats, you only live once anyways." this caused the others to let out a laugh.

"So pretty lady, does that mean you're single now?" Jamie asked as he flashed a flirtatious smile at her. But before Jules could even answer, she felt a hand wrapped around her shoulder, "Yeah, she is. But anyways, how about we go and enjoy the party instead of standing around here?" Jeremiah said, smoothly changing the very uncomfortable topic. Jamie had finally gotten the hint and backed up a bit. "Jere's right. Let's go get some drinks,"

The group then decided to get some drinks before splitting off to talk with other people. Only Jules and Jeremiah sticked together the entire time. Soon, more people started to come in.

"You realised we'll have to clean all this up afterwards," Jules crossed her arms at Jeremiah, her cup in his hand. "I'll just hire a maid to do it. Problem solved." Jeremiah shrugged, careful not to spill her drink in his hand and his own on his other.

Jules sent a smile his way but before she could say anything else, Jeremiah beat her to it once again, "Will just arrived, with.. the two guests you asked me to invite right?"

Calming down her heart, Jules nodded, "Yeah, Niki and Phil. Let's go greet them." Jeremiah set their cups down on a table as he looked at her worriedly, "You sure? I can just go greet them myself if you want. I think I saw Liam over there getting his ass beaten at twister, you can go cheer him on for support if you want."

Jules lets out a chuckle, "As much as I'd love to watch someone suffer a loss in twister, I'll go with you. I am the co-host after all, and I'm also their friend."

Jeremiah lets out a chuckle and wrapped an arm around Jules, "Whatever you say, princess." She rolled her eyes as they started walking towards the trio. "Will! Glad you could make it." Jeremiah greeted first.

Will made it painfully noticeable as he eyed the arm Jeremiah had around Jules. "Yeah. Glad to be here. Jeremiah this is Niki and Phil. Niki and Phil, this is the host of the party, Jeremiah."

"Nice to meet you Jeremiah!" Niki was the first to exclaim. "The party looks great already mate," Phil followed after. Jeremiah grinned at them as they took turns to shake hands, "Well, none of this would be possible without my co-host, Julianna." She could've sworn she saw Will's eye twitch at that.

"Oh, I helped a shit ton alright. Jere over here didn't have anything planned. It's unbelievable that you live here all alone." Jules sighed sarcastically, causing Phil and Jeremiah to let out a chuckle. "Well, why don't you move in with me-"

"Let's get partying now yeah? We're hogging the door by standing here anyways." Will said, not bothering to wait for a reply as he walked off. "Uhm. I'll go with Will." Niki nodded towards the direction he walked off. "Alright. But Phil you're coming with me to see someone get defeated at twister." Jules stepped away from Jeremiah, causing him to let go of her. "That sounds poggers." Phil laughed.

Little did she know that this was just the beginning of a crazy night.

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