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As time slowly flew by, more and more people had begun to show up. Soon enough, Jeremiah and Jules had decided to open the door to the massive backyard as a way to make more space. Thankfully, Jules had thought ahead of time and decorated it a bit with drinks, music and other stuff too.

Being co-host wasn't as tiring as she thought it would be since not many people would know that there even was a co-host due to the last minute decision made by Jeremiah. Which left Jeremiah being the one to converse with most people and make sure they're as comfortable as possible.

All Jules had to do was make sure nothing was broken.

"Hey, Niki!" Jules called out to the girl who had just finished a conversation with someone else by the living room. "Oh hey, Jules. This is a great party!"

"It's all thanks to Mr Extroverted over there," she pointed at Jeremiah who was busy laughing and talking about, making Niki chuckle. "Oh come on now, I know you've helped a lot too."

Jules put a hand on her shoulder and sighed dramatically, "You're the only one here to notice my effort." Niki lets out another chuckle as she shook her head slightly. "Will told me that you were gonna be helping out here, so technically he notices too. Same goes for Phil."

Feeling a sharp pang in her heart from the mention of the man, Jules decided that she would ask, ONLY because she was co-host. Right? "Speaking of which, where are William and Philza Minecraft?"

Niki paused to think for a second before replying, "Philza Minecraft went to the bathroom and.. Will? I think I last saw him outside in the backyard. Actually, I'm gonna go there to check on him. Wanna come with?"

Okay maybe it was petty of her but Jules was still slightly pissed that he hadn't been bothered to talk or even spare a single glance at her after he just arrived, which explains her next reply,  "No, you can go ahead. I have to go talk to someone else real quick. I'll see you out there later."

Niki nods at her whilst throwing her a smile before heading off into the direction of the backyard.

"I'm exhauusssted.." Jules felt arms wrap around her waist from behind, the voice coming from the host of the party himself. "Stop talking to every single person here then."

Jeremiah lets out a sigh which Jules felt on her right ear, sending shivers down her spine. "You know I can't do that. Let me recharge then you're coming with me to take half of my work." This caused Jules to let out a chuckle.

"I should probably go check up on William. Also, recharge? You're acting really odd right now." Sure, Jules had gotten used to physical contact with males due to always hanging around Will, but this coming from Jeremiah was something else.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Also, Will's probably having the time of his life by now." Upon hearing that, Jules turned around to face him, causing him to let go of his grip on her. "Really now?"

Jeremiah nodded slowly, "He's in the backyard drinking and talking to Lindsay,"

Jules raised an eyebrow, "What? You're ex-girlfriend, Lindsay? And you aren't the slightest bit bothered about it?" Jeremiah shook his head and shrugged at her.

Before Jules could ask him anything else, someone had called Jeremiah over, leaving him to excuse himself from Jules to attend to his hosting duties.

An unexplainable feeling rose in Jules, somehow she felt quite uncomfortable with the information she was just given. Was that what jealousy feels like? But why would she have to feel jealous about anything? She and Will were closer than him and Lindsay.

Deciding that maybe checking up on him one time might make the feeling go away, Jules made her way to the backyard.

What she did not expect was for Will to be getting along quite.. comfortable with the blonde hair model, Lindsay.

"Jules! You're here. Will's over there. I just finished talking to him but he won't listen to me and stop drinking." Niki said, rushing up to Jules as soon as she saw her. This made her aware of the cup that Will was holding.

"I'll go get him." Jules mumbled to Niki. Luckily for Jules, there weren't many people in the route she took since they were all on the dance floor, dancing their hearts out.

After a bit of shoving and avoiding, Jules had finally made it to where a blonde and tanned girl, who looked taller than her, was talking to none other than the man himself.

"Oh, Julianna! I didn't expect to see you here." the girl named Lindsay said with a tone, although Jules wasn't going to falter easily, "Jere made me co-host. Although I didn't expect to see you here, considering you two broke up on a bad note," Maybe it was a bit harsh. Jeremiah had told Jules about how he had lost feelings for the girl, and what pushed him to break things up was when he caught her cheating on him.

Lindsay's eyebrow twitched slightly before replying, "Oh no. Me and him are on good terms now. What about you and William over here? I don't mind his company at all but you two look a bit distanced."

Jules eyed Lindsay's arm which clung onto Will now, waiting for the man to say something to defend their friendship. Yet, nothing came as he continued to hide his smirk behind his cup.

Keeping her cool, Jules replied with a smile, "Me and William are on very good terms, thank you. I've just been really busy being co-host of the party after all. It's great to see that you've been keeping him company in my stead, I'll be taking him now."

As Jules reached for his other arm to yank him off her, she was pulled back by Lindsay grabbing his other arm, "William! You said you wanted to have a dance, yeah? Let's go dance together."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Jules pulled Will away from Lindsay, "I'll be dancing with him. Enjoy the party, Lindsay."

Before Lindsay could grab onto Will and make up another excuse to keep him around, Jules quickly dragged him across the room, away from everyone including Lindsay and Niki.

"The hell is your bloody problem?" she glared at him as he shrugged. "I was just catching up with an old friend," This made her even more upset. "Catching up? Oh yeah, her clinging onto you like your some sort of food is definitely catching up."

Will lets out a laugh, "I don't see what's so bad about that." Jules was caught off guard by his reply, realising how she really didn't have the right to stick her nose into his personal relationships, but nonetheless made up an excuse. "I.. Well.. she's Jeremiah's ex. I wouldn't want him to feel uncomfortable for the rest of the night."

Will raised an eyebrow at her, despite being drunk, he knew better than anyone else that Jeremiah wasn't the type to let emotions affect any sort of work. Especially in this case, since he was one of the first few people to know about the reason why Jeremiah called quits on his first relationship.

But despite all that he simply grinned at her, "Dance with me then."


"You said you'd dance with me instead of her remember? She's watching us right now. I know it, and the moment we step out of this secluded area is the moment she'll be back to clinging onto me." Jules frowned slightly at his wording, but somehow couldn't contain the jealousy that followed.

"Fine. One dance." She mumbled as Will took her hand in his, "You're gonna have to make sure I don't fall. I am a bit tipsy- Oh! This one's a jam."

Ignoring Jules' whining, Will proceeded to drag Jules to the dance floor for what would be a dance Jules would never forget.

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