I'm Alright, If You're Alright

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Hey guys, I'm putting a little note beforehand so that you can understand what happened a little better. Basically, Uraraka had gotten back to UA a few hours ago after fighting a tough villain at her internship with Ryukyu. During that fight, a building had collapsed and was about to fall on a bunch of civilians when Uraraka literally held it up with her bare hands. It was a pretty pro gamer move if I do say so myself B).

Anyways, yeah. Thats all you really need to know.

Uraraka stilled as she entered the kitchen, eyebrow quirked at the sight of another classmate. She had come to the kitchen for a cup of tea, not really expecting an interaction with another person. It was quite late to be out, especially for someone like him.

"Bakugo?" She asked as if she couldn't tell by the messy mop of blond hair.

Slowly, lazily, he turned, his bored expression unchanging at the sight of her. His red eyes were dulled with sleep, and the black tank he wore seemed to be a bit more wrinkled than usual. Somehow seeing his normal, casual, non-hesitant face gave her a sense of comfort, and she felt her mouth break into a bright grin at his less than kind acknowledgment. It was just so nice to have someone not scared to be around her normally after the incident.

"Hey," she beamed, moving past him a bit to reach into the cabinet on the upper shelf. She didn't get a response, and she found that that didn't bother her. She didn't need him to answer, she was just excited to be around someone who treated her normally. Everyone was being so careful around her like she'd been through something traumatic. In reality, she'd just done simple hero work. Sure, she'd gotten badly injured, but wasn't that a part of it?

"Can't sleep?" She continued, unbothered by his silence. He let out a little grunt of affirmation and she gave a small chuckle. His capability to communicate through sound alone was never something that ceased to amaze her. Whether it was screaming or hissing at his enemies and friends, he got his points across, actual words not even necessary.

"Heh, me either." She hummed. Sighing, Uraraka pulled out her favorite little teacup with her favorite little mix and set them on the counter, already pouring the water in and looking over at the boy.

He seemed to be making some sort of sandwich, his eyes glazed over and his movements mechanical. He seemed almost lost. Like he wasn't even processing what was happening.

Her blissful appreciation for their shared silence fell, her curiosity peaking. Bakugo was many things, but he was never unfocused. No matter what he was doing, he would make sure to do it perfectly. Right now he was barely even looking at the ingredients he was using, his focus completely thrown off by some unknown topic. That was odd, especially for him. He was an amazing cook. Whether it was a gourmet meal or a bowl of cereal, if Bakugo Katsuki had touched it, it came out twenty percent better than usual. This sandwich didn't seem like it would meet up to that standard after he was done.

For a moment, Uraraka contemplates asking him about it.

But then she decides against it.

Shaking her head free of her worries, Uraraka turned back to her tea. She and Bakugo had never probed each other about information on their problems before, they had no reason to start now.

Deciding she would give him an indicator as to what she was doing, she didn't look back at him as she began to finish up her cup, the mix dissolving into the water like the stars in the sunrise.

"I'm just gonna make some tea, I'll be on my way soon. Sorry to bother you." She chirped easily, still unbothered. Maybe she was a little concerned, but she was sure he wouldn't appreciate her asking about what had him so distracted. He didn't like it when people asked him how his day was, who knows how he would react to a slightly more personal question.

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