Be With Me (?)

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Bakugo's heart stuttered, his eyes blown wide at the accidental confession. "You-" he let out a shaky breath, full of unspoken hope. "you were watching me?"

Did she really care that much? Was it not all in his head?

The raging blush on her cheeks made the corners of his mouth perk up. She was so damn cute when flustered.

"W-well when you put it like that it sounds bad!" Her voice was doing that thing that he liked, when it got all squeaky and high. She was just all sorts of cute.

But he was Bakugo Katsuki. And it's not like he could tell her that.

"I mean, it is kinda creepy."

No, he was Bakugo Katsuki, and he had to insult her like the jackass he was.

Uraraka jutted her perfect little lip out in a pout, her eyebrows pulled together in mock offense. "Well shame on me for being concerned about a friend!" She huffs, lightly shoving his good arm.

And in a purely instinctive moment, Bakugo's lip curled into a snarl and he bit out the worst possible words he could have said at that moment.

"We're not friends, Round Face! Get that through that thick skull of yours, okay?"

And it's not like he meant it. It's not like he didn't regret it as soon as he said it. It's not like he doesn't consider her his closest friend, his strongest ally. It's not like he doesn't fucking love her.

But he said it anyway. He said it, and he's pissed that he did, because he hadn't meant to say it, and now she was hurt.

He watches as her face falls from the playful banter they had literally just been keeping up, her features contorting into a sequence of emotions.

First she was confused, because, well, they were friends. They were good friends at this point. So why the hell did he say they weren't?

Second, she was hurt. Really, for a split second she looked like a kicked puppy. And boy if that did things to his heart. Fuck.

Third, it looked like she had come to a realization. An acceptance. And that is always  a look that hurts him.

Because he knows what she's accepting.

She's accepting that he's too stubborn.

Too mean.

Too brash.

Too much.

And that's when people leave.

With one last face, one last expression, she is angry. But it's not her usual anger. The one where her face gets all red and her nose scrunches up in the way that just makes him melt. No, this anger was closed off to him. Guarded, and cold. And if that didn't send his heart to his stomach.

Clearing her throat, Uraraka sends a hard gaze at him from below her beautiful hazelnut lashes. "Fine." She snaps, her words laced with venom and bitterness as she whips the bento- the bento that she made for him by hand, and slaps it on his food tray. "Here's your bento, hope you like it, asshole."

At this point, Bakugo's panicking. He hasn't meant to say it like that! He tells everyone they're not his friend! It's just...

He hasn't really told her that in a while.

Because she was his friend.

She was there for him, with her big mopey eyes, and her chocolate hair, and her hugs. God, her hugs. He would kill for one right now.

He knows she normally wouldn't be one to take anything he says personally, but this was different.

He had almost died, and she cared about him. Now wasn't the time to declare that they 'weren't friends.'

Biting his lip angrily, Bakugo only just grabbed her hand as she began to walk away.


The pet name for her didn't seem to ease her pissed aura. "What?" She grumbled, trying to pry her nimble little fingers from his large ones. God, they fit so perfectly in his.

Now they're making eye contact, hazel and crimson clashing like mud in a wildfire, and he's burning for her. His heart is burning for her, his soul is burning for her.

And he needs her to know.

Okay, you can fucking do this. He hyped himself up mentally, definitely noticing how thin her patience was wearing.

Clearing his throat, Bakugo gently tugged her stiff body towards him. "We're not friends." He says carefully, his face straight and to the point.

Hopefully she would understand.

"Yeah, I know that now-"

She didn't.

"No." He bit, his grip tightening. "We're not... friends."

He could feel the buildup, the tension in the air rising. Her anger, his pinning. It was all adding to this pressure charged tension between them, something he's been wanting to snuff out since first year, and he's just barely gotten the courage to do it.

"Goddamnit Uraraka..." he muttered. And well, it's now or never, right?

Pulling her forward with as much strength as he could muster, he leaned forward as far as he could in his dingy, fucked up hospital bed, and pressed his chapped lips to hers.

Dear god, he's never felt better.

Well, he thinks he's never felt better.

Then she starts kissing back.

Okay, now he's never felt better.

Needless to say, the kiss was perfect.

Slow. Careful. Chaste. Soft. Hesitant. Innocent.

His hands are both cupping her cheeks, her round ass cheeks that he loves to hold so damn much, and her hands are in his hair. His hair! He's been thinking about how her fingers would feel on his scalp for forever, and now he knows. Perfect. They feel perfect. Like they were meant to be there.

And of course, at some point she had to pull away, because they can't kiss forever (as much as he may like that), but that didn't stop him from chasing after her lips momentarily, his eyes still half closed when he runs his thumbs over her eyelids and smiles against her lips.

"Be with me." He whispered, not one care in the world. "Please."

Authors Note

Hello! Welcome! This is my first little Drabble in this book, and I'm so excited to continue!

I suppose I should set the scene for what lead to this. Basically, I wanted it to be like Bakugo had gotten super injured during a fight with a villain, and he was in the hospital because of those certain injuries.

So, Uraraka comes to visit him, since they're friends and whatnot. They have a good time, but Bakugo ends up messing things up with his lack of communication skills. Things happen, they fight, they kiss, I dust my hands off happily.

In all honesty though, this really just stemmed from my weakness of Bakugo calling Uraraka "Angel." I guarantee you all of my one shots have him referring to her as "Angel Face" at least once. It's a subconscious thing.

Thank you so much for reading, and if you enjoyed, don't be afraid to vote and comment with a request or what you thought could be better! Have a wonderful day ❤️

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