Levitating (One Kiss Is All It Takes Pt 2)

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Ten minutes later they are twenty feet away from UA's gates and Katsuki is rethinking every decision he's ever made.

They've only been walking for like, two minutes, but she's already beginning to annoy the absolute shit out of him.

For a multitude of reasons really.

One, he can't understand for the life of him why whatever god was living above them would decide to create a human as short as her. He'd never noticed how fucking tiny she was, but now that she's holding an umbrella above his head and he's hunched over like some degenerate dracula, you can bet your ass him and his spine have taken notice.

Second of all- she keeps. Fucking. Bumping. Him.

Every single step. Without fail. Her tiny ass shoulder grazes his forearm, and every single time, he is a little more irked than the time before.

He tries to hold his tongue. He really does.

But they still have a very long ways to go.

And his patience is already wearing very thin.

So holding his tongue is off the table.

Taking a deep breath of rainy air, Katsuki narrows his eyes and huffs bitterly.

"Quit fuckin' bumping me." He grunts, voice strained and dangerous as he glares at her through the corner of his eye.

Uraraka doesn't bat an eye at his unpleasant aura, which is admittedly fair, as he is unpleasant most of the time.

Instead of paying him any attention, she simply looks ahead, shrugging her shoulders lightly and saying,

"I'm not bumping you."

Their shoulders graze again.

Katsuki's eye twitches.

The sheer audacity of someone to deny doing something as they do it is far beyond his mental capacity.

"Yes, you are." He snaps, her eyes flicking to him as he flares. "You just did it."

"Not on purpose," She whines, lips turned down in a frown.

She at least tries to get some distance between them, but it's not much by a long shot, so Katsuki will opt out on commenting on her efforts.

"I'm trying to keep dry!" She continues. "This umbrella is too small for two people."

Uraraka juts her bottom lip out in a pout that some people may call cute, but Katsuki only finds it repulsive with the way it makes his chest itch in... disgust?

He takes one good look at the way her pink lip sits plump on her chin, all pink and shiny and right there.


Definitely disgusting.

He has to agree with her on the complaints of the umbrella's size. Not only did he have a sneaking suspicion that she may be a legal midget, but he was also suspicious about the size of this umbrella.

He'd have to ask her where she'd got it, just to make sure whatever establishment she had gotten it from had told her upon purchasing it that it would be extra-extra small. If they didn't, that would be a classic case of false advertising and he would be morally obligated as a hero in training to personally take that establishment down.

"Maybe next time you offer a classmate an umbrella, make sure it's the damn right size." He growls as their blazers make an awkward 'scuff' sound.

Uraraka's stupid face pinches in some sort of exasperated expression, for what, he can't be sure.

Sighing, Uraraka once again averts her gaze in front of her and adjusts the umbrella.

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