If You're Not The One

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The world tells him that they don't belong together.

That she's too soft.

He's too rough.

They're too different.

The papers calm him abusive. Terrifying. Unhealthy.

But... they don't see it.

They don't see the way that her tiny, perfect, pink padded little hand slips into his like pieces in a puzzle.

They don't know that every night when he closes his eyes, he sees her as his forever, that no matter how he presents himself to the rest of the world, she will always know who he really is.

The world is harsh, unforgiving, unforgetting, and cold. It's still stuck with that sixteen year old image of him, loud and abrasive and violent.

But if the world decides that he is not meant for her, then why is she his other half?

Why does she make him untouchable?

They're naive. The people. The prying eyes.

He knows this, when they sit across from each other in their apartment at the dinner table every night, smiling over hot plates of food he made just for them. When they walk along the peer, and she runs her thumb up and down the meat of his palm like a secret code to express her love. When they laugh their asses off in the office late at night, far after the rest of their coworkers have left, as they lock up their agency together and talk about stupid shit.

Sometimes it's angering. That people who don't know him, who don't know his relationship with her, think that they have a right to pick apart who they are. To determine what Ochako deserves, and to deem Katsuki unlovable. Because who are they, to claim that they know him?

He wants to scream it, to shout it, to bare his soul and his heart and fucking prove that he's not the same with her. That she changed him- that she changes him every day!

But, he muses, that it wouldn't be as special then.

If the people knew.

Because even though they think that she is not the one for him, he knows that that could never be true.

Because she is his forever.

Behind closed doors and past presumptuous tabloids.

She is his forever.

And that is all he needs.

She is all he needs on restless nights when he can turn to his right and whisper her name.

She is all he needs when they are on the battlefield and he needs someone to have his back.

She is all he needs when his temper is flaring in intrusive interviews and he can't control himself.

He doesn't need the people to accept him.

He needs her, and those big puppy dog eyes, and those squishy cheeks, and that blinding smile that still makes his heart race even after all those years, after that first day at UA, and after that damned sports festival.

He's been so fucking in love with her all of his life. Her spirit, her laugh and that stupid snort she does, her hair and the way it bobs as she floats, her finger pads and her brains and her heart.

She is all he needs in the face of ruthless, heartless criticism.

She is the one.

Okay okay okay so I know this is super short, but hear me out

I got a request from @jheskajoycedublado to write this song, and it was a really sweet song, and I liked it very much, but I didn't have much a vision for it so I just wrote this.

I think it's nice! It was a fun little warm up for me.

I hope y'all like it!!

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