Heat Waves

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🎶🎵 sometimes all I think about is youuu 🎵🎶

It hits him at two in the afternoon.

She is really, really pretty.

Like, from a scientific standpoint. A purely logical perspective.

She is gorgeous.

The thought takes him aback for a moment.

He had thought it during the middle of English, when she went up in front of the whole class to give her oral presentation on some useless piece of information he didn't intend on paying attention to.

She was standing there, talking animatedly and answering questions every few moments before going to the next slide, and with the dull fluorescent lighting and unflattering school uniform, she had looked unmistakably pretty.

It made him really confused.

Because where did that even come from? Pretty? Round Face?

He wasn't sure he'd ever thought anyone was pretty before. So why her?

She was saying something now, somethIng to Present Mic as she finished up her project, but he couldn't hear it over the rush of his pulse in his ears.

Really pretty, he thinks, a heat wave washing over him as his eyes widen while she smiles politely.

Katsuki looks down, and his palms are suddenly very drenched in nitroglycerin.

Is this what pretty girls do? They go around being all pretty, making boys sweat, and then they kick ass in hand to hand combat?

Or was that just Round Face?

Katsuki swallows nervously as she passes him to sit down at her desk.

After that, it was very hard for him to unsee it. The prettiness.

When she would say hi to him every morning, an uneasy warmth would roll over his body and his stomach would churn uncomfortably.

His face would turn bright red and he would stutter and fumble with his words until she giggled and waved him off.

His friends would tease him, and he would get angry, yes, but he would also peek out of the corner of his eye to see if she was still pretty.

And every time he checked, she was there. Still pretty.

Every time he saw her his eyes would go wide and his mouth would hang open just a bit because pretty. She would act polite, say hello, make conversation, and the whole time his traitor brain would be running scenarios where she was pretty at him. Where she would smile at him, and touch his face and kiss his cheeks.

Then his cheeks would burn red and his eyes would grow wider and he would flail away from her as if she'd burned him.

"You're so odd, Bakugo-kun!" She would laugh, but she doesn't know.

She doesn't know that all the while she smiles and makes small talk, she's bouncing around his mind like a carefree little ping pong ball.

He's still Bakugo. He's still loud and angry and mean.

But he also thinks she's pretty, and his heart races whenever she touches his arm or ruffles his hair.

She's too chummy, too physical of a person. Too pretty.

She likes to touch his hair a lot during class. She says he's like a fluffy hedgehog.

He doesn't know why he lets her.

(Yes he does.)

When he lays in his bed he stares at his ceiling with a goofy grin and red cheeks, thinking about her.

Days and months pass, and she stays pretty to him.

He can live with this. He can live with these feelings.

They're actually kind of... nice. The butterflies, the blushes, the sweaty hands.

Yeah, he thinks as he looks at her across the lunch room and smiles behind his hand. This is nice.

I wish I could listen to music like a normal person instead of writing fanfic about every single song, but alas.


Perfect Bakugo crush song imo

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