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26th December.
12:35 pm..

Accelerator and the others played the game continuously over atleast 10 times now..

Accelerator won around 6 games.
Yuriko and worst both won 2 games...

But the only person who didn't win any games was crying behind accelerator..

"Why is this world so cruel says misaka as misaka cries over."..

" Tch, don't cry here, you'll ruin my clothes" Says accelerator while pushing away last order.

"How cruel.... Says. Misaka as misaka runs towards yuriko nee San"...

Last order runs towards yuriko and hugs her, which surprised her.

She quickly regained her composure and hugged her back.
" It's all right, winning is not everything, what's important is that you have fun".. Says yuriko with a caring tone.

Accelerator thinks for once, "well atleast with her here the handling the brat, I don't have to worry."....

Worst just puts both her hands on the back of her head and says " Tch, no fun" ...

"I'm heading out" Says worst...

"Huh,".... Says accelerator.

Worst looks at yoshikawa who has fallen asleep on the couch..

"Well then tou-san I'm heading off"...

" Don't care " Says accelerator...

"Wait, where are you going says misaka as misaka question you"....
Last order quickly rubs her tears..

" Why does it matter to you brat" ... Says worst...

"Misaka will also go with you, says misaka as misaka jumps towards you"..

" No".says worst coldly.
Then last order started ranting about some stuff which accelerator didn't wanted to hear, so he just retreated back to his room.

He noticed there was a few missed calls on his phone's screen..
He ignored that...
And then turned on to the more important things.

A message from his secretary..

He quickly opened the message.
It reads "Respected Accelerator Sama.
The board of directors seem to have some problems with your new bill and therefore they requested a meeting to be held at
26th December...
You may select the time as you please..
............................ "..

" Did this guy take my suggestion for drinking too seriously or what, but anyway those cowards finally decided to meet me huh"....

He looked at his closet for clothes but then it hits him..

"Tch, I should do this more often, it's time saving" Says accelerator as he uses his ring to change his clothes into his usual one..

He walks out of his room to find, last order still ranting about not being able to go out freely..

Accelerator grunts at this..
He wants to make academy city a place where everyone will be able to walk outside freely without having to fear anything..
Also he wants last order and all the sisters to live a normal life...

It was a dream he held as he became the board chairman...
But since his dream was still on the process of being full filled, he still can't let her go alone..

"Hey," He says while looking at yuriko..
"Can you take her out with you, I have some work to do".

Yuriko's face lit up as she puffs her chest out and says " Of course, onii chan, I'll be honoured to do so"...

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