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adison's POV

the doorbell rings sharply, and ashton's face goes as pale as a ghost.

"oh fuck, it's brooklyn." he seethes, throwing on his t-shirt and shorts hastily.

"get out, get the fuck out before she sees you!" i say in a harsh whisper, pushing him away.

"where am i supposed to fucking go?" ashton panics.

"the window!" i exclaim, ushering him to the bedroom window with all of my might.

"there's no fucking way that-" ashton argues, but i cut him off by opening the window and pushing him out of it. hope he didn't break anything important. his body lands in the grass with a thud, and i lock the window and cover it with curtains.

"adison i'm going to fucking kill you!" i hear his voice call back to me and i cringe. oops?

the doorbell rings again, and i rush to the door to answer it. surely enough, brooklyn was on the other side.

"hey!" i say with over-enthusiasm, a nervous habit of mine.

"hey," she mutters lowly, throwing off her shoes and coat at the door.

"i have to talk to you," we say in unison.

"you first!" i counter, and we sit next to each other at her kitchen table.

"okay," she sighs, pulling her hair anxiously. "i did something really bad."

so did i.

"what happened? you can tell me," i assure her. this should be nothing compared to what i did to her.

"i-i cheated on ashton last night." she blurts in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"you what?" i exclaim, my jaw dropping to the floor and her hardened expression does not change.

"i know, but i met a really amazing guy." she gushes, and i am shocked.

"and you don't... feel bad about it?" i ask her, how could she be so cold?

"well, not really. i know it's bad to cheat on him, but things between us have been bad for so long." she looks down at the ground solemnly.

"but don't you love ashton?" i ask in confusion.

"i do, but i really like this guy." she says, a smile creeping onto her features. somehow, i feel extremely relieved at her confession. she cheated on ashton and didn't feel bad about it, so why should i feel bad for doing the same thing?

"are you going to tell him?" i ask her.

"no." she says simply, as if she's thought long and hard about it and come to a solution.

"are you going to keep seeing this guy?" i ask her.

"i think so," she says.

"and you're not going to break up with ashton?"

"i don't know. i love him and i don't want to leave him- but i want to be with someone who really cares about me. someone like him." she says and my jaw drops for the second time in this conversation.

"you really think some random man you hooked up with at a club really cares about you? how stupid can you be?"

"you don't understand, adison! it wasn't just a fling, he actually likes me-" she argues.

"how can you be so naive?" i gasp.

"why do you always have something negative to say? why can't you just try to be supportive?" she fires back and for a moment, it's silent.

"i don't even know what to say," i scoff, how could she be so stupid? she's ruining everything. ashton and brooklyn were the couple- they had to be together.

"what were you going to tell me?" she takes the attention off of her.

"nothing. absolutely nothing." i decide, there was no way in hell i'm telling her about what ashton and i did last night.

"where are you going?" she calls behind me, and i pick up my purse and turn around to face her.

"i'm going home, and so should you." i say simply, closing the door and getting the hell out of the hamptons.

louis' POV

"what's her name?" zayn says knowingly, and i snap out of my trance.

"hm?" i say blankly, a goofy smile plastered on my face.

"i know that look, louis, who did you meet?" zayn teases me, and i can feel a wave of heat on my cheeks.

"her name is brooklyn, and she's hot." harry announces and they all gasp.

"it's true, it's true. i met her at a club, and, well, you know..." i shrug my shoulders and they give a knowing look.

"eyyy, lou got laid!" niall exclaims with a mouth full of peri peri chicken, giving me a high-five and the rest just snicker.

"so, when do we get to meet the lovely lady?" liam raises his eye brows suggestively.

"i don't know, she's at her boyfriends house right now, i think." i inform them with regret.

"her what?" liam gasps.

"hot chicks come with baggage," zayn shrugs nonchalantly.

"she's got a boyfriend?" harry frowns with concern.

"yeah...." i trail off, scratching the back of my head. "she hates him, though."

"if she hated him, he wouldn't still be her boyfriend." liam says sternly.

"is she breaking up with him, then?" niall asks.

"i don't know," i shrug. "but i really like her."

"that's really not a good idea to mess around with someone else's girlfriend!" liam scolds.

"i didn't plan for it to be this way, it just happened. but i like her, and i'm not going to stay away from her. her boyfriend is an arse and she deserves better." i blurt defensively, standing from the table.

"i didn't mean-" liam begins to apologize.

"i think i'm going home. see you all tomorrow." i say simply, leaving nando's.

My English Love Affair (With Louis Tomlinson and Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now