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brooklyn's POV

i wake up the next morning with a massive pounding in my head. fucking hangovers. i turn on my side and see a very attractive man laying next to me. i look under the sheets and see two naked bodies.

"oh fuck!" i scream.

"you were screaming that last night, too," he winks playfully, his adorable face watching me from his pillow.

"babe, what's wrong?" the boy says turning over.

"did you just call me babe? who the fuck are you?" i exclaim, throwing off the sheets and jumping up from the king size bed.

"umm i'm louis and we totally fucked last night. oops!" he says sarcastically, smirking at me.

"no shit, sherlock." i groan sarcastically, massaging my throbbing temples.

"you look extremely sexy in my shirt, love." he bites his lip, and he looks almost irresistible with his soft brown hair messed up like that.... stop, brooklyn! you have a boyfriend. you love your boyfriend. snap out of it!

"i don't even know who the fuck you are! where am i?" i ramble nervously.

"hey, calm down." his dazzling blue-green eyes reassure me, and he stands up. i can't help but notice his prominent six pack and v-line when he struggles to cover his naked body with the sheets.

his strong arms and chest are covered in the most interesting tattoos, and i can't stop myself from tracing them with my fingertips.

i can feel his heart rate pick up speed, as i move my fingers across his chest and arms.

"that feels so good babe," he whispers in my ear and i abruptly stop when i realize what i'm doing.

"i need to go! i'm sorry, i can't do this, i have a boyfriend. this was a mistake," i say nervously.

was it a mistake? because i surely did not feel very regretful.

goddamnit, brooklyn! get it together!

"woah, now. don't leave so fast, can i make you a cuppa tea?" he offers, his expression changing from horny to thoughtful in a split second.

"i-i really have to go..." i trail off, frozen in place. before i know it, i'm a sobbing mess.

tears stream down my face, i'm sure my makeup is completely ruined. i never should've come here, i should've stayed and tried to work things out with ashton. god, i'm such a fuck up.

"brooklyn, what's wrong? you can talk to me," he says kindly, wrapping his strong, soft arms around me and i cry into his shoulder.

"i have a boyfriend. i cheated on my boyfriend, louis! he's never going to forgive me, you know that?" i manage to say in between sobs.

"look, it's going to be okay." he says, cupping my chin and wiping away my tears.

his gorgeous green-blue eyes pour into mine, and for some reason, he makes me feel like everything will be okay again. even though i know it won't be.

memories of last night race through my mind; the partying, dancing, and louis. he made me feel wanted, he made me feel protected, he made me feel alive.

My English Love Affair (With Louis Tomlinson and Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now