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brooklyn's POV

once ashton left, it was just me and louis sitting on my couch saying absolutely nothing to each other. i was speechless and didn't know how i should handle this situation. i was drowning in my thoughts until I heard louis speak.

"are you okay, love?" he said with such a gentle voice.

"i really don't know."

"want to tell me about it. i'll be here for you."

"can we talk about this in the morning. i'm too exhausted to repeat what happened."

"yeah. sure. just get some sleep, okay?"

"okay." and with that i was out.

louis' POV

as her head fell into my lap, i couldn't help but admire her beautiful face. she looks so peaceful and i can't help but notice her little smirk as she sleeps. i could go on and on about her little things that drive me insane. i have huge feelings for her and i really want to tell her. i know i shouldn't be getting so attached to her because she has a boyfriend, but i just can't help myself.

liam's words repeat over and over again in my head. "that's really not a good idea to mess around with someone else's girlfriend."

i know he's right, but i wish he could at least help me out and give me some advice. i also need to clear things up with him and apologize for being a huge ass.

i look back down at brooklyn one last time and i carefully move her head on the armrest of the couch. she slightly moves and i panic. wow that was a close one.

i go find a piece of paper and write her a note telling her i would be right back, and if she needed anything that she should call.

i put the note on the side table and planted a kiss on her soft cheek. i quietly shut the door hoping it doesn't wake her.

as i reach my car, i give liam a ring.

"hey lou. is everything alright?" he says in a worried voice like always.

"yeah. i just wanted to know if i could come over. i know it's late, but we need to talk."

"of course. just be quiet when you come in because sophia is asleep."

"okay will do. see you in about a few minutes." and with that i hang up the phone.

i arrive to liam's flat and quietly walk in like he told me to.

"hey!" he whispers in a cheery tone.

"hey. can we talk?"

"yeah. have a seat."

"liam i'm so sorry that i acted like a complete ass the other day. I know you were just trying to help and get me to see that i'm doing the wrong thing."

"it's okay lou. i know you are starting to have feelings for this girl, but i'm just trying to protect you from getting your heart hurt."

"i know you are and i appreciate that.
just i really need some advice liam."

"well, i think you should just think of the possibilities on if she chose her boyfriend over you. i mean she's probably having a rough time with her boyfriend and you never know, they could work things out. i'm only saying this because i don't want to see you upset."

"yeah you're right. thanks liam you always know the right things to say."

"you're welcome. glad i could help and louis just sleep on it."

"okay. goodnight liam." I shut his door softly so i don't wake sophia up.

i drive back to brooklyn's house and thank god she's still asleep. i walk over to the couch and gently cradle her in my arms. i carry her into her bedroom and place her down in her bed. she stirs a bit as i place the covers over her.

i didn't really know where i was going to sleep. i needed to give her some space, so i just went back into her living room and fell asleep on her comfy couch.

the scent of her lingered on the couch and i couldn't help but smile. my thoughts were running through my head like crazy.

i turn to my side trying to keep my eyes opened, but failed as i drifted off into sleep.

A/N: guys we are so sorry. we have been so busy lately and we will try harder to update. we really hope you like this chapter. so please vote, follow, comment.

-Ash & Em xx

go read this amazing book called That Spring Break. by our friend @cravinglukehemmings

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