How it started

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(Silva POV)

My head spins in circles as I begin to rethink my thoughts of what just happen, collecting each thought and sight that I heard an seen happen.

"Silva, Silva, Silva! Please just breath! Breath! Please keep your eyes open" I heard a familiar voice had spoke to me as I try to listen for instructions but it's hard to pay attention when there's a open wound on my side hip, a piece of glass stab into my side as I try to look around my eyelids gets heavier and heavier when I feel my blood pour more out of my body spilling all onto the cold bronze wooden floor.

"Silva stay with me, we're getting help" That familiar voice, the voice I thought was a different person was my weary close friend Niya and behind her was another girl she didn't know, seen her in the party we was just in seconds ago. I realize that there's no one else in the house but us three in the home of someone party, the owner ran out the home but left me and my friend with another person that decided to call the ambulance for me.

"Don't take the glass out of her" the person who was behind Niya said and crouch down next beside her while I couldn't look at them because I'm trying to stay in the same spot trying not to freak out.

"You'll make her bleed faster to her death than you think, make her stay still and keep her from talking so much"

"N-Niya why was I stab-" Niya cover my mouth pushing my head back down onto the cold wooden floor.

"Shh just keep your eyes open and just breath" She started crying but the girl that was beside her told her to calm down. Starting to hear the ambulance outside was the only thing that made me felt a bit better to know I'm gonna be fine.

"Okay she'll be fine"

But how did I get stab? Why was I stab?

"You've been stab by someone who was assaulting me because I told him no, he follow me and try to stab me but I dodge it not acknowledging that you were behind me" The mysterious girl said while looking away from me not even giving me a glance my direction while they put me in the ambulance with my friend and the mysterious girl jump in while they patch my wound up and she hop in beside Niya.

"I'm so sorry please forgive me" She ask me when I still haven't seen her face because her ginger hair was covering most of it with her curvy long hair that was down in front of her face, I didn't hesitate after the medics was done with wrapping me up but reach for her face and move her hair out of her face to behind her ears, it was weird because once I touch her face it was instant sparks that came to my fingertips.

"I'm sorry I touch your face but I just wanted to see who you are, your forgiven" I whisper and they all told me to lay back down worrying for my wound, when I didn't care for the pain cause the girl I seen was too beautiful for me to not notice.

"My name is Ash" The red curly hair girl said and I can see she was still worry for me.

"Mines Silva" We finally made it to the hospital and they took me out of the ambulance while my friend was right behind them taking me inside and the girl waited with my friend. I finally close my eyes as soon they put me in a singular room.

*Niya POV*

"So your telling me... Silva is your mate?" Ash said, I knew she was a werewolf as soon she got closer to us; I sense it was another pack at the party not just my pack because usually it be my pack and one human smell; Silva is a human, still to this day she doesn't know about werewolves when we been friends since elementary and my pack been protecting her and her whole family.

"Is she human-"

"Yes she human, she doesn't know anything about werewolves"

"So do I have to lie?" Ash asked while shuffling back and forward from the hallway walls.

"Well... if you're willing to explain it all to her" I said and she stares at me with a glare.

"She trust you, she doesn't know me like she knows you; if anything your literally her friend and once she finds out that you been lying to her this whole time and I have to tell her before you do, it's going to make you look bad" Ash said and finally I thought of telling her after thinking about it.

"Your right, I tell her when she first wakes up and you have to be there so she at least know her mate"

"Okay, I stay with her overnight to make sure she has someone to wake up to in morning" Ash said and walk to her room, I wasn't able to move because of how scare I am to know her reaction when I tell her after all these years of friendship and trust.

"You should come around as soon you wake up from your sleep" Ash said but I won't leave my best friend just with this stranger that claims she her mate and Silva parent haven't arrive yet.

"I think we should wait till her parents get here and then I leave you with her" I told her and we waited till we seen Jordan, Silva father and I pull him to the side to talk to him about what happen.

"I know I mess up, I was suppose to keep her safe but I really wasn't able too cause it happen so fast before I can react-"

"-It's okay, just tell me what happen" He was genuinely tired from work and worry about his daughter that's in the room behind me.

"So someone was trying to stab a different person name Ash because she was getting harass and kept saying no to the guy because she seen Silva across the room trying to talk to her but he follow right after and was upset that he got rejected so he grab a nearby glass object and broke it, grabbing a piece to stab Ash but she dodge it when he attack her making it hit your daughter, Ash is your daughter mate that is why she here now" Jordan was trying to take it in as best he could but he look furious and disappointed.

"Does she remember their face who stab my baby girl?" I hesitated and waited till I feel like it's okay to ask Ash that but I'm pretty sure she does.

"Ash... do you remember who face it is?" I asked silently moving towards her away from Jordan so he couldn't hear our conversation.

"I do and I have the glass they use on her too, I can find where he is and kill him-"

"You don't need to kill him, give that evidence back to the police to handle for, your messing with evidence now" Jordan said waving away the plastic bag that had the object that stab Silva with.

"If anything if we kill the bitch who did it, they won't get to suffer in jail and if anything if we did kill them, we'll would of been in jail for first degree murder" Jordan said and then we waited in silence for hours till they let us in.

"You guys can come in but she unconscious for now but she wake up tomorrow" The nurse said and left us alone with her, as we all enter the room slowly and then her mate stand on the other side of the room to sit in a chair close to her mate, Jordan sat in the chair that was near his daughter while I stand next to him watching Silva unconscious body.

"I be going home because she has you here so I be back tomorrow"  I said waving slowly away while walking out the door while they both focusing on my best friend that's in the bed.

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