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(Ash POV)

"Canes is my favorite" Niya said and we all agree with her after walking to my van and noticing Silva was ahead already and seeing she ignoring me. Feeling her nervousness and her heat beginning, I unlock the car for everyone and Silva hop in the back with them.

"Okay Silva stop fucking with me, get in the front" I said and she look out the window.

"Get in the front now" She got out and slam the door and then get in the front seat slamming the door again.

"Silva what is your problem-" She randomly grab my face kissing me longingly but it didn't last till I look in shock.

"Ooh what you bout to do about that Ash" Niya teases me.

"Shut up and drive please" Silva says angrily.

"You okay Silva?" Eve try to ask but Silva just mumbled a yes.

"Asshole" I mumbled and then I get the car started up and began to drive out the driveway and going to Niya house first thing. It was quiet in the car till Silva decided to break the silence.

"Tsk" Silva whispered. I didn't comment till I had to park to let Niya get out along with Eve, we all said our goodbyes before seeing them walk up to their pack home and then entering the house.

"Look Silva I'm sorry-" I broke the awkward silence between us just for her to shut me out again. I continue to drive her home and we both ignore each other like we're strangers in a car for Uber. I park in front of her house and open the passenger door before she was able to and walk with her up to her door making sure she made it home safely.

"Thank you-" I cut Silva off.

"Welcome" Mr. Woods came to the door and greeted us with a big smile on his face hugging both of us before I made my leave after seeing her in her home. I drove off to my house and parking in my driveway but afterwards realizing she left her wallet along with her phone in the passenger seat assuming she thought she didn't had it with her when it fell on the floor; I decided to drive back to her house to give it back to her.

(Silva POV)

It felt like a itch, but a good feeling when you get the right angle at the back of my throat. I feel some sort of guilt or resentment for talking to ash the way I did and then realizing it was too late to apologize afterwards; she makes me feel vulnerable after she mark me, making me have random thoughts that are only with her. The way she talks, personality, smells, body and makes me feels strange when it just arouses me when it's so little; makes me feel like a teenager hitting puberty all over again that it shouldn't be something to turn a person on from just knowing them but sadly it did when having imaginations of her suddenly corrupted my blank mind. I got on my PC in the corner of the room to listen to music on full blast so I could get off to make this burning sensation go away, placing a towel but doubling it on my gaming chair and then putting on some Sam smith music making the volume go louder than ever; pulling down my pants and leaving the zip up hoodie on to smell her scent while I use my vibrator that was small and turning it on low placing it on my clit, going up and down/ circles to make the vibrator go higher and then the combination of her scent in the hoodie along with the images from earlier of us making out making me came earlier than expected. I threw my head back in relief with my eyes close while still going till I felt hands on my shoulders making me open my eyes wide open and bumping heads against whoever was looking over me.

"Oh fuck-" I yell in pain and then realizing my pants was still down, I quickly turned off the vibrator tossing it on the desk and pull my pants up till I felt the same hands grab at the waist of my joggers noticing the hands were familiar while I was feeling their body up against my back making me feel comfort to lean into.

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