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(Silva POV)

Finally waking up from a dream I hope wasn't true, feeling numb to the touch but aching pain on my side that keeps bothering me is a repeated agony that's like a persistent knocking on the door when you don't know who it is.

"Your awake" I heard my father voice when I started to flutter my eyes open seeing a bright light, hearing the familiar sound in a hospital but acknowledging I am the patient that's in the hospital bed. I felt both my hands was being held by two people, which was my father and the girl I thought was a dream I met yesterday.

"What happen?" I asked my voice felted raspy to the crisp of the air, I was confuse to even remember the events that occur yesterday but finally looking down to my side that been aching for my attention to finally look, I was in shock but it finally occurred to me I actually was stab.

"You've been stab at a party by broken glass cause they was trying to target someone else but they move out the way making it stab you" My father said and I was just trying to remember most of the events that happen.

"I was the person who moved out of the way" Ash said and she looked really upset with herself saying that.

"It's okay, you didn't mean any of this to happen"

"It is my fault regardless" Ash said and her hand trace to the side of my arm from holding my hand to my upper part of my arm and then slowly to my hand again but she lay her hand on my waist trailing up to my scar, the pain felt more durable than it originally felted and I never felt this relax to a stranger I met overnight before and such relief was so sudden when just a second ago I was just in pain from my wound but her touched made me felt so eased till I was just leaning more to her hand. I instantly grab her hand to stop her from making me feel weird and my guess was her vibes gives a amicable vibe but yet I don't really know her that well.

"We have to tell you something once Niya gets here" My father said and I tried to sit up but I couldn't do much cause it was painful, Ash tried to touch my side again but I glare at her moving her hands away softly after she realizes.

"Stop that..." I whispered to her and my father snap his attention to us.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern looking at us.

"It's nothing"

"You sure?" He said glaring at Ash and she lean back in her chair with a downcast look while doodling with her hands.

"Yes I'm sure, I was talking to myself" I mumble looking away and I try to get comfortable from my weird posture I sat up to.

"The doctor said you have to stay in the hospital for a week or two because the cut wasn't too deep till you need weeks of recovery" My father said and I shook my head disappointed.

"Damn where's Niya-"

"I'm here!" Niya burst through the door and then seeing me waving before she rush to give me a long lasting hug.

"Niya where was you?" I ask.

"I went home thinking about how I'm supposed to tell you all about this situation" she glance at Ash and then look at me.

"What's wrong" I was now concern and genuinely curious. I was baffled and try to look at her with a different look.

"You won't believe me but I have proof to show you either way"

"What is it?" I ask with more desperation to listen.

"Me and Ash are... werewolf's"

"Werewolf's? Are you high-"

"Girl what- I'm not even high right now or lying to you"

"So what the fuck is me then?"

"Language" My father said turning his back to us.

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