Part 9

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(Silva POV)

"Hey Dana, I'm going to stay out for awhile but I come back to the mansion later when it's dark" I said on the voicemail; Damn I should of just kept going but instead I stop cause of Ash, making sure she was okay before I leave. Her sleepy state was just as adorable, I can't stand that I have to leave her.

"Are you okay? What happen to you?" Niya asked me seeing the concern look and hearing her weary voice makes me feel guilty.

"I was turn into a vampire and I'm only alive because I had made a contract with her to be a vampire and her assistant for four years but my contract is ending tomorrow, the person who turn me is name Dana; she made me go to parties and bring her humans to drink off of or send me out to kill people, I hated myself for not running away from this but she would have kill me or kill my father if I didn't" I said and they all were confused.

"Silva we would have protected you, come home today and we can help you" Niya said and I shook my head slowly.

"What keeping you back now?" Ash woke up suddenly asking me while starring into my soul with those greenish grey eyes she has almost like the full moon enhances her appearance but everyone had change so much since I had been gone till they all look fitted and perfectly well especially grown/glow up.

"Its like I have to go back because I'm one of her most loyal assistants in the mansion-"


"I can't leave willingly cause it's like I'm attach like a leech!" I said and Ash walk away punching the ground repeatedly and I try to walk over to her but they stop me.

"She gotten more anger issues over the years when you were gone" Niya said and Ash glare back at her making Niya back away.

"Tell me where she lives I fucking go kill her-"

"Please don't-"

"Why not?" Ash yell back and she turn around quickly, eyes bright as the moon but was yellow.

"I can't explain it" I whisper and Ash got off the ground walking towards me.

"Well you better find a reason before she shows up at the death door" Ash spat out starring me in the eyes, it kinda turn me on but I kept the look and grab her hand to kiss it, tasting the blood that dripping from her knuckles.

"Ash, I am still alive cause of her; I would have been dead if she wasn't willing to make a deal" I kiss her wrist looking into her eyes and she started to squirm away while taking her hand back.

"I still don't trust her, why would she had let you gone willingly out by yourself and didn't want you to bring a human to her tonight? Didn't you call her in your car and she didn't pick up?" Niya said while walking to the window.

"That is weird" I whispered, thinking to myself.

"It is and I think you should stay with us" Eve said and wave her arms in the air with a duh expression.

"I can't-"

"Stop saying you can't, we can help you" Ash said.

"I just can't-" I felt a piercing pain in my neck looking around till I spotted Eve had a needle in her hand afterwards. Before my vision became blurry, I try to run but I only can walk like I had a limp but my legs gave up trying to leaning up against the wall; falling down on the side of the wall, I was trying to crawl away from them and get away but all I see was Eve and Ash fighting while Niya trying to break it up. Ash calm down afterwards walking over to me while I try to use my arms to crawl away still; Ash got to me stopping in front of me crouching to get closer to my face using her left hand to hold my head up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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