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(Ash POV)

"Fuck, fuck, fuck-" I repeated over and over while leaving out the hospital and then sprinting to my old van that I gotten from my father years ago before he was murder from a vampire on the day he gave me the van.

"I should of realized, I'm so stupid" I lay my head down against the wheel bumping the horn without caring and it kept going till I heard a knock on the window and I lift my head slightly up to the left seeing it was Niya. I manually roll my window halfway down and then I look a little bit more out the side and seen Silva father.

"Shit" I whispered.

"Heeey" I said with a shaky voice and then they both look at each other then back at me.

"Is there something wrong or are you coming in to visit Silva?" Niya said knowing the hint she knows but pretending to not know the smell that still lingers off me.

"Oh... y-yea" I said and then turning my car off but feeling my phone vibrate and I didn't notice it was going off till now; pulling my phone from my pocket seeing texts and miss calls from no other than Silva herself.

"I be out the car to walk with you guys just give me a second to answer this call okay?" I said and Niya shook her head moving quickly to the entrance of the hospital taking Silva father along with her. I instantly call Silva.

"Hey babe-"

"Aww you call me babe-" she must be excited to hear that.

"Please listen to me what I have to say cause I'm coming back up with your father and with Niya-"

"Okay? So what does this mean you want me to pretend like we didn't see each other a couple of seconds ago?" she said with sadness in her voice.

"No no I'm telling you I'm just coming back up and when they leave, they don't suspect a thing" I  just wanted them to not know that I was there.

"Okay see you then" I hope she doesn't think I'm messing with her feelings. I just don't want to get in trouble with her father.

"See you Babe" I said and I could hear her gushing over the phone till I hung up and I jog around my van over to them at the entrance continuing to go to the hospital doors.

"So are you girls getting along?" Silva father ask me and I shook my head.

"Yes we have, we been texting and calling each other" we confront the desk and ask for Silva room then we head up to her. First one to go through the door was her father with a big smile on his face waiting to see his daughter and he went in to hug her and she hug him longingly looking back at me with a shaky smile and eyes that look at me with concern but I couldn't say anything about what happen earlier cause it might sound awkward.

"Did they give you any updates about your wound?" Silva father asked still standing by her bedside.

"Uh... yea they said surprisingly it's healing quickly than expected but they rather wait until next week to make sure I'm ready to be release" she said and then her father walk to the window and look outside and then Niya smirks at both of us wiggling her eyebrows and Silva looks in shock at me like as if I told her anything but I shook my head violently.

"I be right back, just going to use the restroom for a few" I said while noticing Silva instantly started texting her phone and my phone vibrated going off a few times before I check it, I walk outside the room to stand outside so it won't be obvious. Going to the bathroom and then actually using the toilet to empty my bladder.



"That was my first time ever making out with anyone, I came by accident" - at 1:30PM

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