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(Silva POV)

Why do I have to feel this burgeoning pain in my body since when does all these things have to happen to me so suddenly.

"Hey how you been holding up?" I snap out of consciousness when Ash walks in my room alone from after days of texting through the phone, I guess she finally decided to come back and talk to me after mentioning she was busy but she really wanted to meet me.

"Still in pain" I mumble underneath my breathe, seeing she pull up a chair next to me.

"I can feel it since days ago, I felt it while we was away from each other" She said barely able to hear her soft spoken voice.

"You can feel that?"

"Yes I can"

"What else can you feel?" I ask being curious now.

"We can feel your emotions and we can feel your pain, sadness, anger, happiness and even know when your turn on-"


"You wasn't expecting that one too, huh" she giggle at my surprise expressions that I can feel a slight blush on my face.

"So- even when I'm embarrassed?"

"Yeah anything, unless you figure how to shut me out for me to not know" Ash said and slightly smirk.

"Oh how can I do that?" I ask her because I don't want her to know when I'm any of those emotions.

"Your able to when we mate"

"So what else you guys can do?"

"See your dreams, know when your in danger... but only mates can sense this with each other" Ash trail her fingers up from my lower thigh and towards my wound.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna try to take some of the pain away, only a selected few of us can do this and can take some of your pain away but only for a little" She wrap her whole hand around my wound and then I gulp worrying about the pain but being able to adjust myself from the sitting position.

"Thank you" I said and she nods her head sitting back down in her chair.

"So... by dreams you know what I dream of yesterday ago?"

"Yeah..." She was looking away at the nearby window that was in the room and I can tell she had a blush on her face.

"I- swear I'm not a pervert or anything" I said feeling the heat rushing towards my brown face probably making me turn into a bright peach and waving my hands like I was in jazz but to express how I felt.

"No your okay, I'm glad you had dreams of me" She turn her head to me seeing her fully blush face and she grips the side of my bed bars.

"Are you sexually active or in anyway do anything like that?" She ask and the question kinda took me off guard from it being unexpected.

"I do masturbate"

"How much?"

"I do it a lot-" I said hesitantly feeling anxious.

"I had sex multiple times and I do masturbate as well, but I don't do masturbating anymore but that's before I met you I haven't done that; I'm sorry if I'm asking this type of questions early" it made me felt jealous that she had sex already especially with more people than I think, I only just met her within the timely manner we have together for me to feel a deeper feeling for her.

"No you're fine"

"You ready for our date?" She said smiling.

"Wait wait... a date, I thought we having a date when I get recovered?"

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