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(Silva POV)

"Wow so I can go?" I asked the nurse that walk in on me and Ash.

"Yep your all good to go" she looks like she just wanted me to go after the awkward encounter. I call my father to come pick me up but he couldn't so I call Niya to see if she free to pick me up and she was able to but Eve her long term partner since from middle school was coming along cause they was with her for the day hanging out till I asked her to pick me up from the hospital. I worn Ash clothes that was still left after she left the other day; it made me smile oddly enough considering it was oversized on me when I only knew her for weeks almost felt like a year.

"Help!" I heard random screams that was across from the hospital and I wasn't going to run to help them because I thought to go get someone before going to help them out but I stood there not sure what to do after multiple calls of hearing help I don't think anyone can hear them yelling out for help but me. I ran into the hospital asking for someone to help a person that screaming help across the street till the screams went away when we all ran out the hospital.

"I swear I heard someone screaming for help across the street" I said stuttering then seeing Ash car pull up along with seeing Niya in it and her partner.

"Mam we believe you, but we don't see anyone in that alley you say you heard the screams coming from" the nurse said and they all walk back in the hospital and I walk to the van immediately hoping in the front seat.

"What was that about?" Niya ask me in the backseat while noticing Eve being touchy with Niya leg.

"I heard screams across from the hospital till I thought it was someone dam near dying but no one was there after the medics went out to check it" I said sounding uncertain with what I remember vividly looking across the street.

"Let's get outta here" Ash said slowly driving off fast making me sit back in my seat and she drove fast to the street almost speeding a red light till the next light she stop at a red light.

"Do you guys want to eat?" Ash asked us till I notice her outfit; a leather jacket, v neck white tee ripped blue jeans along with converse. Never noticing she had a lip piercing with a septum and left nose pierce; her hair was pinned up in a bun seeing her undercut freshly cut looks like it wasn't her first.

"Ash..." I said questionably.

"Oh you never seen me with my piercings in and my hair up in a bun, must feel like you been catfish" Ash shyly laugh.

"No it just looks really good on you..." I said slowly. She look at me shock but she blushes looking back at the road.

"Thank you"

"Let's go to canes" Niya said after we heard a loud smack that sounded like their mouths was glued to each other but they were making out while me and Ash awkwardly sit there silently listening to the radio in the van.

"Can you guys just get a room" Ash whispered bother from them making out till I seen Ash look over at me twice.

"Your wearing my clothes I left for you?" Ash smile and I shook my head, it was just a zip up hoodie and large joggers I had to tie the strings cause of how big it was on me comparing her size to mine. I worn her slides as well but she left me a new pair of lingerie that was clearly see through and she knew what she was doing honestly I don't think she even cares- makes me smile a little.

"We're here" She yell and they got out the van before we did but Ash stop me from opening the van and then held my left hand pulling me close till our upper bodies crash into each other causing us to kiss but she turns it into a intense kiss till I felt her left hand roam over my right leg and feeling her left hand touch the side of my neck kissing down from my lips to my neck; I didn't get why it felt better than the last couple of make outs we had but this feels different.

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