Dress for the occasion

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[Third POV]

It been four years since the incident had taken place; Ash was nineteenth but Niya, Eve and Silva was only eighteen at the time it happened, Ash been searching while also taking care of a ceo her father left for her as soon she turn twenty-one was in his last will. Niya was out of college and was an business accountant as soon she got out of college and Eve was a technician; the years of Silva disappearance they were all still searching for her while training as much as they can. Not once Silva had left their mind especially Ash while they were done training and working out at the gym, Ash was the only one still training afterwards and was at the training center till she pass out on the equipment and then be late for work; she stressed more than the others about Silva because she was there when it happen and if she ever find who took her, she tearing them into shreds till she satisfy and then burning the rest of their body into a pit of fire; Silva father had train to hunt along with them and had learn how to hack cameras till he knew how to hack the in home security cameras in other homes till he spotted in a home that looks like his daughter but he couldn't tell if it was her cause of how much she change but he knows it was her; He told everyone about it then Ash was in disbelief cause of how she should of felt her presence if she was there.

While they were thinking of Silva; Silva been training for those years to come along as well but with the person who took her life and made her a blood sucking vampire, she was doing everything her demanded her to do to survive and if she disobey she be whip and stab with silver causing her to become so numb to it, that she doesn't think she knew she was being pierce with a silver knife anymore but she try to avoid human blood as much as possible only drinking animals blood; her assistant makes her bring humans from parties back to the palace. Silva was scare if she ever run away from her master she be kill on the spot from her other assistants but even out of them all she was the most loyal assistant that Dana has. Silva is going to be release within two days if she keeps up her hard work from over the years she agree to work for; she able to come back home to her friends and family but who she really wants to see was Ash.


(Ash POV)

"Ms. Burner you have a meeting in a couple of minutes" I stood alongside the window looking down from my father office that's now became mine.

"I'm on my way now" I had whispered and she walk away, I walk down behind her to the meeting and then she stop at the door entering and I stood outside the entrance listening to her.

"Ms. Burner will be here in a couple of minutes, please give her time to enter" Ms. Goods announced to the people in the meeting till she turned around and jumping back startled from my appearance; I walk in and announce myself before Ms. Goods could collect herself together and left the meeting room.

"Good afternoon everyone, so what are we discussing?" I said knowing already what we discussing nothing changes from the topic but we are well aware of how it's not going anywhere if we keep it the same.

"Well your condoms are doing excellent and if we do this exchange with our energy drinks I'm not sure we can make a business market with it"

"What does energy drinks have a correlation with condoms, energy drinks isn't a use for in bed-"

"That's the thing we can make our drink edible for your condoms introducing the mango blaster in bed!" The man exclaim and I look at him dumbfounded but was kinda intrigued but thinking throughly.

"Can I taste it?" I said and he slide one across the table and tasting the mango he toss me it tasted like a mango but it wasn't like the energy drink but definitely tasted fruity and less of a energy drink.

"There's other flavors?"

"Yes strawberry, kiwi, cherry, green apple and if this get ahold of a tiktok star; I think we would have a chance of this blowing up on the internet"

"Have you test this on anyone yet? Did this cause any reaction with the ingredients you had put into this product"

"Yes my employees and my wife have tested this beforehand and we had other people from the street to have it tested before giving this to you guys" he said and I nod.

"Let me and my team decide upon this opportunity"

[After the meeting around up to four PM]

"It was nice doing business with you Ms. Burner" The business man had said and put out his hand and I had shook it with my glove on my right.

"Nice doing business with you as well" I said and we all had walk out, I ran out the meeting room noticing the time and instantly sprinted to my office and grab my personal belongings along with me; rushing to the stairs to get to my car quickly.

"Hey Niya we're going to that party that we agree upon to go to right?"

"You really want to go, is it cause of the spotting of Silva?" Niya giggle and I hop over the rest of the stairs sprinting to my car.

"Yes you fucking imbecile" I curse at Niya.

"Whoa calm down, I already have my clothes ready and everyone else is prepare to go to the party tonight" Niya said and she was the Luna to her pack along with Eve being the Alpha.

"I'm on my way right now" I said through the phone.

"Okay well we be waiting for you" I hung up and got into my car, starting it up instantly speeding with my van.

[fast forward to Ash getting dress]

"Ash slow down-" Eve said after I flash her by accident and she look away while I strip from my clothes quickly, I put on my grey suit pants and button up white t-shirt on.

"First of all we not going to a fancy ass restaurant, we're going to a party; a P-A-R-T-Y not a damn whatever 'fancy' place you thinking we're going" Eve said grabbing some clothes from my drawer.

"Put this on let me see it" Eve throw it towards my chest and I caught it; I put on the blue jeans and the button up shirt that had a beach on it.

"No, no no" Niya walk in and threw me a different pair of clothes.

"We're not going to the beach mother fucker why would you" Niya yell at Eve.

"My bad I thought I could do better" Eve yell back and I put on the black jeans and a floral print green button up shirt with a green belt.

"Okay how this?" I asked Niya and Eve nodded together.

"You did better babe"

"As always" Niya walk out and Eve walk up to me.

"Now your hair-" Eve asked.

"I put it in a bun" I said while wrapping it up in a messy bun.

"Okay good" Eve said and look in my closet grabbing a pair of green pairs of vans that I use to skateboard with.

"No not good, let your hair down and make it messy" Niya said walking over to undo my hair letting it down then messing up a bit.

"These are shoes I use to wore in high school" I said in disbelief I still have them in my closet. Especially since they look clean but used.

"Well if you don't want to ruined your other pairs at a party I would wear something that's been worn" Eve said and I shook my head, grabbing my high ankle black leather boots.

"Well that can work" Eve said and they scratch the back of their head.

"Yeah Eve you have no taste" I said agreeing with Niya.

"You had all that time in the closet and you still can't dress your damn self" Niya said walking by the door.

"Oh quiet both of you, I'm trying" We all laugh and I had put in my inexpensive piercings.

"Let's go" we all put in our ear piece to keep in touch and Silva father was already keeping an eye on the cameras at the house that has a party.

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