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𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗮 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹𝘀

i was up getting ready to go to the dean's office to let him know after this month i would be doing my classes online until farther notice

ace was still sleep he was up on the game all last night with his friends

he better had been up by the time i got back

i decided to just walk over to the main building to his office instead of driving

once i got there i waited till he was out of his meeting

"ms.daniels he's ready for you" the lady at the main office said

"good morning mr.jones" i said going inside his office

"why hello janae what brings you in today" he said as i sat down

"well i just wanted to let you know i would be heading back home soon because i found i was pregnant the other day and i know we cant have more than 1 person staying in a dorm so imma just leave out next week" i said

"okay thats fine , i'll have the paper for you to sign basically saying you left and that i can give the dorm to the next person in line" he said as i nodded

"okay thank you" i said getting up leaving

that was easier then i expected i thought getting to my car i drove back to the dorm seeing ace laid out on my bed asleep so i went and laid beside him

he grabbed my waist spooning me instead of moving i just laid still to avoid arguing

i woke up hearing my phone ring i grabbed it answering it seeing ace still asleep

i answered the phone seeing it was jania

"hey boo" i said rubbing the sleep out my eyes

"heyyy" she said

"did i wake you , im so sorry you can call back later" she added

"no its fine where's little man" i asked as he came into the camera as if he knew exactly what i had said

"right here" she said as he smiled all in the camera

"gone be big 1 in a few days" i cooed at him

"imma have his party that weekend instead if the exact day of his birthday because its on a thursday so imma have it that saturday" she said as i nooded

"well thats all i had to tell you so continue to get your rest love hope to see you soon" she said

"okay bye love y'all" i said blowing kisses before hanging up

"who was det" ace asked getting up

"mind you business" i said flopping back down and ace looking at me with a stank face

"mmcht you get on my damn nerves" he said getting up

"oh well" i said going through my photos running across my photos i saw a picture from when me shay diyah and fruit graduation day

i hadnt seen or heard from shay or diyah in forever shay went off to school too for modeling diyah decided to stay in though miami though

i started tearing up due to the fact i really missed my friends i group called them and nobody but shay answered then she had to hang up because she was on her way to a shoot

i then realized i hadn't told them i was pregnant yet i hope they are free this weekend though because i missed them


𝗮𝗿'𝗱𝗶𝘆𝗮𝗵 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗲 𝗷𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀

"you can never do shit right" jonathan said roughinging me up

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"you can never do shit right" jonathan said roughinging me up

"you have one job bruh literally one and thats to do what i ask" he said pushing me into the wall

"dude i worked later than usal today" i said as he throwed the vase from our living room table at me

"dude can you stop" i said ducking

"fuck you now clean this shit up" jon jon said leaving out of our apartment slamming the door to our apartment we had just moved in hard as hell

he had just got done beating my ass because i didn't have all the food finished when he got home but he knew i worked late

it started as lil shit like lil shoves and shit like months ago then we got engaged and get the apartment and i thought shit was only gone get better but it was the complete opposite

as i was sweeping up the glass from the things he had thrown at me i heard my phone ring i saw it was nae i ignored it because i could feel my face swelling up ao i decided not to answer it.

i had the urge to throw up which also had been happening a lot i hope i wasn't pregnant because that was the last thing i needed

once i was done throwing up i got up going back to finish cleaning up i had finally finished cleaning up i wanted to go see my mom but i know i couldnt so i just took a shower and went to bed i didnt even wait up on jon jon anymore


if you ever going through anything like this or know of somebody going through something similar to this you should get out of there or try and help them get out of there as soon as possible. nobody should ever have to go through that no matter what period.

𝑇𝐻𝑈𝐺𝑆 𝑀𝑂𝑇𝐼𝑉𝐴𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 Where stories live. Discover now