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to catch y'all up since i've been gone for a long long time basically after janae and her sister got her mama into rehab their moms bf  (guy who killed their brother jayceon) is out to get back at janae's mom and his daughter is fruit now he's making her get back close with janae so she can kidnap her to get back at her mom for leaving him that's basically all y'all need to know fr.

|miami , fl - 2:35 pm|


i'd walked in the room with janae seeing her sleeping i called my dad and he told me he was sending some guys down.

i seen a doctor fit behind the door and took that putting it on i turned around seeing janae waking up and i quickly took out a needle injecting her with some sleeping medicine

it wasn't any doctors on the hall rn and her room was at the end of the hall so once the boys bought in a stretcher we quickly moved her over to it and headed straight out the exit door once the boys but her in the back of the van

i went and hopped in my car taking off all those doctor clothes driving off with the van not to far behind

𝗸𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀

i had just got done showering i was motioning up then i put on me something simple a white tee and some joggers and some bubble slides i even grabbed janae some clothes ik she'd wanna change when she got up

i can't believe i'm a dad man i thought getting excited all over again as i walked out the house

i hopped in the car speeding back to my babies i had only been gone for like 30 minutes and i was already missing them

i pulled into the doctors office parking grabbing janaes clothes getting out going inside ready to see my baby

"hey bae i got you some-" i was saying but stopped noticing janae wasn't in her room anymore

i dropped the clothes running to the front desk asking for janae nobody seemed to know shit i was getting frustrated

"FUCK man" i said hitting the wall

i knew should've trusted that sneaky bitch she had been gone for that long fuck she wanna come back now for

while deep in my thoughts i ran back to the desk asking if my baby was okay

"yes she should be she's still in the babies room u can go up and check if you'd li-" she was saying but didn't get to finish before i took off

"sir im going to need you to calm down" i heard somebody yell after me

i got upstairs seeing that my baby was still there i felt some typa relief but i had to find janae.

i called janaes sister filling her in on everything asking her sister to get here and watch the baby for me while i w eat out to look

she'd wasted no time getting her looking after the baby for me

"thank you sm jakia if fruit comes back through lmk" i said before running out the doctors office back to my car

once i was outside i called dre and travis i would've called jon jon but idk how he'd feel helping me after nae addressed him about putting his hands on diyah i really didn't have time to think about how he'd feel i just needed to find nae


i've called fruit over 50x sent a whole bunch. of threatening text no text back no answer nothing i thought this would've been easier but clearly not

me and the boys had been planning for hour and tryna figure out where she was at and we still literally have no clue im frustrated asl i don't even know where to start

i don't understand why out of all people she would take nae and idk where fruit could be we've been by her old place and white peoples stay there now

i could feel myself crashing but ik i couldn't bc somebody had to look after babygirl

"y'all boys can head out imma gone back by the hospital" i said hopping up walking out with them following behind

"alright bro" they said


| 9:45 |

once i got to the hospital i seen kia still watching the baby as i had asked her too

"thanks again kia , i did mean to have you here this long i just got really caught up in looking for her"

"no leads? no luck ?" kia said looking a bit disappointed

"nope i dont know where she could be but the search ain't over and you know this" i said tryna reassure her

"you can go home and get some rest now though i got her from here" i said standing over a'mira cart watching her sleep

"you can go home and get some rest now though i got her from here" i said standing over a'mira cart watching her sleep

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it's been so long imma try and get at least 3-5 updates out while i'm in the mood 😭

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