Normal day of work

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"Hey Cristina, wait!" Meredith ran down the floor. " We need to talk. How was your dinner with Burke last night?" " As always, dinner and sleep- nothing more" Cristina answered with a disappointed voice" And what about you Mer?" " The same as you.... I think our boys should buckle down more" Meredith and Cristina start laughing. "Oh my pager... I have to go, see you later!" Meredith turned around and ran to the neuro patient in 855.

She arrived contemporaneous with Dr. Shepherd - the best neuro surgeon in this country. "What happened?" " His cerebral haemorrhage is spreading too fast. We have to operate now. Ready?" "Of course Dr. Shepherd." Meredith smiled into his sparkle eyes and walked into the OR.

"Well done Dr. Grey." " Thank you Dr. Shepherd. Your work was exelent...." He smiled and then walked away.  When Mer arrived in the Cafeteria, she saw Cristina waiting for her. " I´ve heared you had an OR with Dr. Shepherd. How was it?" "Yeah, really good. Have you ever noticed his sparkle eyes?" "Sparkle eyes? No I don´t think so.... But I have to say, that Burke invited me this evening for a dinner with his mom" Cristina started laughing. "With his mom?Isn´t it a bit early? I mean you´re together since 2 weeks... I think if Finn would do that,  I wouldn´t come..." "Yes it is.... and I don´t know how I could say him that...." Mer clinked glasses with her " Hey, you´re Cistina Yang. You can do everything." " Thank you Mer, that means a lot to me..."

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