Dance Night At the Glade// Thomas

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The bonfire was in 4 in a half hours. I was nearly done with building Chuck his bathroom. Well rebuilding it after Frypan accidently blew something up outside by Chucks hut a few days ago.

I hammered the wood into place and hopped down from the counter I built. I walked to Chuck who laid in his bed I also built. "Alright kid, bathroom is finished." I say, he looked over and smiled. I plopped down beside him and we talked for hours.

I realized what time it was. "Sorry to cut you off Chuck but I have 15 minutes to take a shower and get changed into cleaner clothes for the dance party around the bonfire tonight." I say as I got up and rushed out of Chuck's hut and over to mine.

As I got in I was already slipping my shirt off, then my combat boots and socks. Next I unbuckled my belt and slipped my pants off as I was still running to my bathroom. I started a steaming hot shower and slipped my sports bra over my head and then my underwear off and got into the shower.

I rinsed off, and cleaned my body. I ran out of my shampoo I asked for and used Thomas's shampoo they just sent up for him.

I rinsed my hair and then quickly conditioned it and rinsed it out as well.

I stopped the water, dried off and grabbed my clean blue long sleeve that had four buttons on the top of it. I grabbed my tan cargo pants and combats and socks and threw them on.

I searched for my belt I threw somewhere on my way in. "WHERE IS IT?" I shout. "AH HA! THERE YOU ARE!" I scream as if it could reply to me. I ran it through the loops and buckled it.

I put my shoes on and ran outside with only 2 minutes to spare. "THERE'S THE PARTY QUEEN!" Gally yells as I ran to the circle where everyone sat waiting.

The boys lit there tike torches and threw them at the pile of wood and watched it Egnyte into flames immediately. I smiled and realized we need my speaker that blasted any music we wanted. "Hold on, I will be right back." I say spinning in a slow circle looking at everyone with a smile.

I ran to my hut and grabbed my speaker and ran back out. "HERE WE GO!" Fry yelled as I turned the speaker on and blasted Wild Cherry and other old musicians for hours.

Soon the song When it Rains it Pours came on. My eyes brightened as I shot up. "Go ahead Jade, sing for us." Newt suggests. I smiled and decided to go where everyone could see me. "Sunday morning man she woke up, fighting mad...Bitchin and moaning all day long bout the time I had." Before I could continue Thomas came up and put a hand over my mouth.

I smiled and licked a strip up his hand. He quickly drew his hand away and started whipping it on his pant leg. "EW, EW, EW, EW, EWWWW!! Why did you do that!!" He shouts. I just busted out laughing. "I did that because you covered my mouth for no reason what so ever." I explained as I tried to stop laughing.

"Well, why did you cover my mouth?" I asked, he rolled his eyes. "Because we have a strict rule no swearing! You have to replace the words with something else." He explained as he walked closer to me.

My smile slowly fading into a slight smirk. "Or else what? Maybe I don't want to replace the words with something other than what I want to say." I say stepping closer to him.

He smirked and took a step closer and placed a hand on my cheek. "This" he whispers, he leaned in and kissed my lips gently. I smiled into the kiss for a second and then kissed him back. Everyone sated wooooing and saying aww.

I pulled away and smiled as I bit my lip restraining my smile. "Alright everyone, shut the shuck up and lets get back to our night!" I say, everyone agreed and started going to their spots.

I was watching Gally fight. "Thomas, who do you think would win me or Gally?" I asked as I leaned near him. I was still eyes on the fight as I asked and so was Thomas.

He leaned back over to me and chuckled. "You for sure. Gally may be tough to the guys but I don't think he would be for you." He replied, I started laughing causing the fight to stop.

Gally's eyes fell on me. "What?" Me and Thomas say in unison. "Why are you laughing?" Gally asked, Thomas and me stopped laughing immediately.
Uh, well I think Jade could beat you in a fight easily." Thomas reply's to him. I nod and then Gally decided to pull me into the circle.

"Gally what ar-.?" I asked, bt Gally interrupted me. "Since you two think that you." He points to me "Can beat ME in the circle, you get to take me on now." He says as he squares up and starts circling.

I shrugged and started walking opposite of Gally. I smiled and lunged at Gally. He dodged me and let me fall. "ONE POINT TO MEEE" Gally gloats.

I rolled my eyes and got up. "Two more rounds. Don't get to excited!" I say. Gally shrugged so I took my chance and lunged at him again.

This time I got ahold of him. My face at him stomach, arms wrapped around his waist. His arms wrapped around my shoulders as he is pushing me. I was trying to stop him when I came up with the brilliant idea of pushing Gally behind me and moving out of the way.

I turned and watched as he fell to the ground. "Not so bad for a girl huh?" I asked, Gally turned onto his back and glared at me. "Yeah, I guess. One more round." He whispers.

I nodded and jumped a few times. "Alright, up, up, up!" I shout. Gally hopped up and then started circling around with me.

"Alright. And... GO!" Thomas shouts. I smiled and watched as Gally ran at me. I waited as he got closer. When he was 10 inches away from me I jumped and wrapped my legs around his neck and swung my body around, spinning Gally and then making him bend backwards letting me land and him fall.

"AND JAAADE WIIINS!" Newt yells. I was surprised it worked so I immediately got up and jumped into Thomas's arms and kissed him. I pulled away shocked at what I just did. 'I am so sorry, I didn-." Thomas cut me off with a kiss.

I smiled and kissed him back. I completely forgot we were still with the whole Galders and we ended up making out for 5.5 seconds when Newt coughed a fake cough to get our attention.

We pulled away smiling. Thomas still had ahold of me as I unwrapped my legs from around his waist and slowly slid to the ground. I turned to everyone else and wrapped my arm around Thomas's waist as he wrapped his around my shoulders.

"What's up Newt?" I asked as if I had no clue what happened. I smiled as Newt just looked at me and shook his head. "You were uh- making out in front of us..." He explained slowly. "Nooo! We totally didn't do that! You guys are hallucinating." I teased.

Thomas laughed. " Yep, hallucinations! Totally." Thomas says going along with me. "Sure, because I toally didn't witness my best friends making out after one of them winning a match." Newt says as he smiled.

Everyone laughed.

"Alright, alright." I say calming everyone. "How about a game of truth or dare." Thomas suggests.

I nod and walked over to a long log and sat down. Thomas sat next to me so I sat on the ground in-between his legs. Everyone gathered around us. "Who's playing? Raise your hand." I say.

Gally, Newt, Minho, Ben, Winston, Cling, and Jeff all raised their hands. "Alright, Newt you go first." I say.

"Alright, Tommy truth or dare?" He asked, I looked up at Thomas and he looked down at me. "Dare." he says. "I dare you, to kiss the hottest person here." Newt says. I smirked. Soon I felt a hand lightly wrapped around my neck and make me lean my head back.

He smirked down at me and then leaned closer as the grip around my neck lightly started tightening. He continued leaning closer. I had the idea to swerve to see his reaction so when he was about to kiss my lips I swerved to the right making him kiss my cheek instead.

Everyone laughed. "She swerved you!" Newt says as he laughed. Thomas looked at me angrily. I smiled innocently. He continued glaring at me. "What's wrong bubs?" I asked once again innocently. He finally choked me and kissed me. "don't ever swerve me again babygirl." He whispers in my ear.

I smiled as he slowly let go of my neck.


Thank you so much for reading my book. If you do want a imagine for you a certain character let me know and I will make it. Make sure to tell me weather or not you want a smut or not.

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