The Maze Story.// Thomas

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Me and Thomas were hanging out, just sitting as I was carving something. "Hey Jade? Why do you have that scar?" He asked as he just seen the long giant scar on my forearm. I looked over at the scar and ran my fingers over it.

"Well Thomas, if you must know." I started, I looked over at him. "I was in the maze one  day, running my course with Ben." I say, he nodded wanting me to continue. "Just as we were on our way back a Griever chased Ben and I. He was  close to Ben so I stopped as Ben ran infront of me."

A tear fell down my cheek. "And I threw my arm in front of my face as I crouched down a bit ready to be stung, but instead its claw scraped my arm." I explained. Thomas looked at me with confusion. "Ben? Who's that?" He asked.

I looked down and chuckled as tears fell. "My Brother. A few days before you got here he was stung. This was only three days after the accident happened. We had to banish him." I explained.

Thomas looked away from me as I had looked up at him. "I- am so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." He apologized. I smiled a bit. "It's alright. Gally broke his hammock and he uses Ben's but when I really miss Ben, Gally let's me sleep in his hammock. Ben made mine but Id rather sleep in his when I want to." I say.

Thomas let a few tears fall down his cheek. "Thomas! Don't cry because I am crying about my brother." I say as I whipped his tears away. He smiled and looked down then back at me. "Jade, I think your brother would be so proud of you for how far you have come since he has been gone." Thomas says as he hugs me.

I smiled and hugged him back. "But he would also kill me for hugging a boy that he doesn't know if he were here." I say with a laugh. Thomas laughed with me for a minute. "So, shall we go hang out with everyone else since today we have the day off?" He suggest.

I nodded and put my knife in my pocket of my cargo pants and the carving I made as well into the left side of my leg in the middle pocket. "Question, why do you have so many pockets down both your pant legs?" He asked as we walked to everyone.

"I don't know, I guess it was the clothing I chose to wear before whoever it was sent me here." I say, he shrugged as we arrived to everyone else.

"Hey guys." I say as I did a bro hug to everyone. "So, shall we see who can carve the best thing?" Chuck asked. I nodded and grabbed a small piece of wood and my carving knife.

Me, Chuck, Gally and Thomas were carving while Minho, and Newt were watching and narrating us. "Jade in the lead of carving a wood knife for practice... Moving on to Thomas... who... seems to be making a heart and carving initials into it." Newt narrates.

I looked over and smiled. "Next is Chuck... he seems to be making a.. person?" Minho questions, Chuck laughed and ignored them. "Now Gally, he seems to be making something... like a gun?" Newt questions. I busted out laughing. "I love how I am in first." I say.

Everyone laughed a bit. "Actually, that's because you are putting detail into it." Newt says. I smiled and continued to carve into the wooden knife.

Thomas finished carving his heart, Chuck was also finished and so was Gally. I finally finished. Chuck finished last but now was time for judging. "EVERYBODY GATHER AROUND!" Newt yells, everyone came surrounding us.

"Okay when I say your name hold up what you carved and everyone will raise their hands to vote." Minho explained, all of us nodded our heads agreeing. "First is Gally!" Gally stood up and showed everyone the wooden gun he carved.

About 5 people raised their hands, until he stared at them then more people raised their hands. I smiled and rolled my eyes, soon Newt walked over to Chuck. "Chuck!" Newt called out. He held up his little person he carved. 5 people raised their hands till I gave them a death stare. Soon a few more people rose their hands.

Next was Thomas. Minho called his name, he showed the heart he made that had a carved T+J in the middle on both sides.

I smiled to myself. No one raised their hands as they were still looking at the heart. Finally about 20 people raised their hands.

"Last but certainly not least... JADE!" Newt announced. I held up my knife. Everyone raised their hands. Mostly everyone anyways. It was nearly a tie for me and Gally. "Okay, next round. Gally v.s Jade." Minho announced. I laughed a bit and grabbed a small piece of wood.

We started carving into the wood and shaped it into whatever we wanted.

I kept looking over at Thomas as I had the shape I wanted. "Why do you keep looking at Thomas?" Newt whispers to me. "You will see." I say smiling.

After about 30-40 minutes I was finished. So was Gally.

This time Gally carved a owl. "Alright first is Jade." I held up the small statute of Thomas I made. Everyone raised their hands. "Alright! Now Gally" Minho calls. he held up his owl and only a few people held their hands in the air.

"HAHA I WIN!" I say to Gally. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Whatever." He says, I laughed and looked at Thomas.

I smiled and looked down at the carving I made of him. "Here, take this." I say with a smile. He smiled and took it. He inspected it for a moment. "Thank you Jade. I love it!" He says as he smiled down at me.

We stared into each others eyes and then I slowly leaned in as Thomas did as well. We both hesitated for a moment but I finally smashed my lips into his. Everyone cheered and laughed a bit as they stood around us.

I pulled away from Thomas and smiled. "I love you Jade." He whispers. "I love you to Tommy." I whisper back.

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