Getting Stronger From the Scars Pt. 2// Newt

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It was now dark out. Everyone was waiting for the fire to light up. Newt, Alby, Gally, and Winston threw some torches into the wood causing it to Egnyte into flames. Everyone cheered as the bonfire was now starting.

I was sat alone, back against a log facing away from the fire, a drink in my hand that Gally made. I would turn every few seconds to see what everyone was doing, and to make sure Newt was okay.

The next time I turned to look at everyone Newt happened to look over at me. I quickly looked away smiling to myself. "Hello Love." I hear a british voice say, I looked up seeing Newt. "Hey Blondie." I greet back.

He smiled and sat by me. "So, why is someone so gorgeous sitting alone over here where It is cold?" He asked, I smiled and looked down at the glass I had in my hands. "Well, because I already caused enough trouble. Pluuuusss, Gally would want me to fight against him and I don't feel like saying No to him so I am as far away from him as possible." I explained.

Newt lightly grabbed my chin and making me look over at him. "How bout, we go get warm and get something to eat and then head to my hut for the night?" He suggest as he slowly lets go my chin. I smiled a big smile. "Sounds good to me blondie!" I say.

I chugged the rest of my drink and got up. Newt following after.

We walked somewhat close to fire to get warm. We sat and talked with Minho for a few minutes and then talked to Frypan. "I am getting tired boys. So I am going to head out." I say as I got up and looked at everyone and smiled.

Newt stood up and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Me too, night guys!" Newt says as we start walking away. Everyone was laughing but we ignored it.

"Alright, Lets go to beeedddd!" Newt whined. I chuckled and laid down beside Newt. "Good night Love" Newt says as he wrapped an arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Newtie." I reply as I slowly drifted to sleep from the warmth of his body.


Sorry this one is so short, I wasn't sure what else to write so I hope you aren't angry at the fact it was short.

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