Chapter Four: Vigilance

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                          Chapter Four:


            As soon as Ryler released me, I shot off. I darted between the passageways, wondering at my ability to remember the way. After what seemed like seconds, I was back on the street. The crowd from earlier had dispersed, leaving behind what was now a wide street lined with shops. I ran down it, noticing most of the businesses looked nice, despite the activities going on outside their windows. I ran until I reached the carrier's shop from before: Alvi's shop. Outside, right where I had left him was my horse. I smiled. The thieves had been in such awe of my purse they had failed to notice my steed.

          I chose, despite Winston's advice, to keep the horse he had selected for me, a horse worth its weight in gold. Winston expected me to trade it for a simpler animal and supplies, but I had been unable to make myself part with him. He was the only thing keeping me connected with my past. His mane and tail were completely tangled, and his coat needed a thorough brushing, but a wave of sadness still overcame me knowing what I had to do. I took his bridle in one hand and stroked his face with the other.

           "It's time for us to part, my friend," I whispered. His ears flicked toward me. "Thank you for coming with me, but it's time I continued on my own. You deserve someone better than me, someone who will feed you oats every day and wash you every once in a while." I untied him and led him through the streets, looking for the local manor house.

             It didn't take long for me to find it. I vaguely remembered coming here as a small child, parading through the streets. We had come in a great procession. We had ridden in on our fancy ponies and had laughed joyously as the people threw flowers at our feet. I could still pick out some of the streets we had taken to get to the lord's house. The lord, I remembered, had been in love with our horses. He had offered an outrageous sum to purchase one but had been denied. Now, I counted on that long ago desire.

            When we came upon the house I was surprised by how much had changed. The home before me was grander than I could have imagined. It was almost as large as the palace, with several floors and hundreds of windows blinking in the fading sun. The street went from hard-packed dirt to cobbles. I realized this man's increase of wealth could be the downfall of my plan. He could have a hundred horses like the one I was selling. It could also mean spending a small fortune would be nothing to him, if it got him something he valued. An even chance; I prayed being cursed to die as a baby tipped the scales of luck in my favor.

            Soon, we were close enough to the house for the servants to notice us. A woman shooed a small child in our direction. The boy ran over, awe written all over his face; a good sign. "Hello," I said to him, kneeling so we were at eye level. "Could you do me a favor and bring me a horse brush?" The boy nodded and scampered off toward a small building I assumed was the stables, almost stumbling because he kept looking back over his shoulder; a very good sign.

             In no more than a minute the boy was bounding back, his feet slapping against the cobbles. In his wake came three other children, each one more astounded than the last. I grinned at them; each one was holding a different type of brush. Gratefully, I accepted one that looked barely used.

           I brushed quickly, my eye carefully watching the sun's position. I didn't have much time left. I quickly finished with the horse's flanks and selected a new brush for his mane and tail. I didn't brush him as perfectly as I would have desired, but with my time frame it would have to do. I gave the brush back to its beaming child and turned to the first boy. "Can you fetch your master for me? Tell him I would like to sell him one of the king's horses." The boy nodded solemnly and ran to do as I asked.

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